Insta-Month September
The highlights were… To be honest, this month has been incredibly quiet so I only have a few highlights, seeing The Lion King with my bestie Bee & my nephew’s 3rd birthday. I also enjoyed going to the Food & Beer Festival at the start of the month, and I was also chosen as the first winner of Cake That! Also Cocktails in Teacups turned two!
Some things I have been loving… Starting to think about Florida. Now my US Adventure is over, nearly every text Bee & I exchange contain some Florida reference. On the 5th Oct it will be 6 months until we go! Once Upon a Time & New Girl have started again, YES! Decorating. Strangely. As we will have a new member of the family in November I’ve started to try and get everywhere decorated ready! Current projects are the stairs & Little Miss’ room!
My favourite purchase..iPhone 6.. although I didn’t really purchase it, I just got it as my new phone when my contract ended. It is love.
Biggest regrets have been.. Not seeing my best friend enough, sniff.
Next month I’m looking forward to… Bee coming to visit, and visiting Bee for Halloween. Also taking the kids to see Disney on Ice with my parents.
September has been rather quiet as all my extra money has gone towards my savings (as I HATED seeing it at 0) and on Christmas stuff. I’ve had a little run of bad luck but I really hope that’s over now, I haven’t slept much for the fear that my terrible luck from 2013 has returned. September has felt really long, I hope the next few months go quicker.
What did you enjoy most about September?

omygoodness look at that cake!! YUM!
Kariss Ainsworth
I miss you :/
Oooh, I have that Harry Potter jumper! It’s the best… except for the Hogwart’s Quidditch team hoodie that I picked up at the same time. I like advertising my interests with my clothes, clearly!
Also, that cake looks fantabulous!
Beth x
I just got myself an iPhone 5s today, I couldn’t quite justify the cost of the 6 as I had to buy out of a crappy old contract and start a new one. I do love it though! x