As this post goes live, I’ll just be taking off on my way with Little Miss and my mum to Disneyland Paris! I’ve purposely scheduled this at 13:00 which is the time of our flight. How exciting! This week I will have guest posts and a few tags and such I have written in advance so the blog isn’t standing unloved. Please comment and like as normal, and of course check out the guest posts!
Anyway, I’ve been saving up tags to schedule while I’m out and about as they’re something that can easily be done in advance. I have this Fairytale Tag which I think first did it’s rounds on Youtube, but as i’m not on there (yet, it may happen if my skin clears up!) I wanted to wait until I found it in written form, and I did on
Oh Hey Kayspray. I also have a Musical Theatre one to go up within the next few weeks when my other best friends come to stay.
Snow White – Do you consider yourself beautiful?
No. But I don’t think I’m hideous (most of the time anyway) either. I think I have some qualities that are nice, I like my hair and despite being almond shaped, I don’t mind my eyes. I think at best I consider myself average-ish, with a full face of make up, on a good day. Ha.
Sleeping Beauty – How many hours do you sleep at night?
Urgh, not as many as I’d like. At the moment I’m struggling to fall asleep before twelve then I’m wide awake at eight. I know this may seem like a good amount of sleep but I rarely sleep right through. Due to the disturbed nature of my seep, I always feel exhausted the next day. Ahhh, the life of a mother!
Cinderella – Do you have a curfew?
No. I’m sure my parents would still like me to have one, they worry so much, but thankfully at twenty six and a mother myself, I can do what I want.
Rapunzel – Do you love being outside?
Not really. I’m not the outdoorsy type. I like to be curled up indoors, under a blanket with candles burning and the fire on. And lets not get into my pure hatred of camping!
Red Riding Hood – Do you trust strangers easily?
I shouldn’t. But I probably do. Well, in regards to myself. Not with my daughter. I don’t even like Little Miss taking to my neighbour! I guess I don’t trust men as easily these days though…
Beauty and the Beast – What makes someone beautiful in your eyes?
I’ll do as in what I’m attracted to in men. Dark hair, dark eyes, bit of facial hair. Sexy voice. I also like confidence, humor and decisiveness is so important as I’m ridiculously indecisive.
The Little Mermaid – What would you sacrifice for love?
Urgh, probably nothing these days. I’ve sacrificed too much in the past. I’m so freaking jaded now!
The Frog King – What do you find disgusting?
Child/domestic/animal abuse.
Jack and the Beanstalk – What plants do you have?
I’m currently growing carrots, leeks, potatoes, spring onions, basil, rocket and strawberries. Usually anything I have like that dies so fingers crossed I manage to grow something edible this year.
Peter Pan – What is your mental age?
I think I generally act my age, or younger.
The Snow Queen – Who is your best friend and what would you do for him/her?I have three best friends, I love them all so much and I’d do anything I could to help them out and I know they’d do the same for me. I probably wouldn’t throw myself in front of a bus for them, but again, I’m unsure if they’d do that for me haha!
The Princess and the Pea – Are you sensitive?
Yes. I cry at the drop of the hat, little things upset me. I wish I had thicker skin but I don’t, which is why I definitely gave up on pursuing a career in drama! I’m far too emotional!
The Brave Little Tailor – Do you consider yourself brave?
Yes. After everything I went through over the past few years, I know I’m brave. Although pit me up against a shark and I might tell you otherwise!
So that’s The Fairytale Tag. If you have done it or you end up doing it, please link me in the comments!
This is really cute!
Samsam Cherie
I adore this tag…mine is going up today!! Be sure to check it out, thanks for the inspiration!!!
Hannah Layford
hah this is so cute! Hope you and little miss had a great time at Disneyland 🙂
Hannah xx
This is such a lovely tag and your collection of fairytale books are so gorgeous!
p.s. I hope you’re having an incredible time on holiday!
Kate Pirouette
Eeeeek!!! Hope you’re having the most fabulous time!! What am I talking about? How could you not?!!!
Can’t wait to hear all about it xx
Just Pirouette and Carry On…
Megan Chambers
just done this, it’s fab! love your blog x