It’s True Wherever You Find Love, It Feels Like Christmas
Can you believe that Christmas is over already for another year?! No.. neither can I! All that preparation and stress and it’s over in a blink. I would go back and do the whole of December again if I could. The build up was so enjoyable this year. Little Miss was at a wonderful age where she understood exactly what was going on and Christmas morning was my favourite time this year. I didn’t mind at all it being just the two of us. In fact, it made it all the more perfect. Little Miss was spoiled rotten by everyone who knows us and my friends clearly proved them know me well by buying me such “me” gifts. I received a macaron making kit, a Fairy Tales cookery book, a Literary cocktails book, a leather bound edition of The Wizard of Oz, a Disney calendar and a LOT of owl related gifts. I spent the afternoon and evening at my parents, it was incredibly stressful with two toddlers, Little Miss was a complete angel though and did so well with her dinner. I’m so incredibly proud of her as she’s always so well behaved when i’m pulling my hair out.
I took a few photos over the last few days and I thought i’d share them with you. I apologise for the bad quality but the stormy weather has made it nigh on impossible to use the camera without the flash.
On Christmas Eve I baked a batch of Snickerdoodles and before Little Miss went to bed we hung her stocking (I made it last year) and put out some biscuits and a glass of milk for Santa Claus. We also had a glass of milk and biscuit each. She was so excited that settling her for the night was a bit of a nightmare as she didn’t understand that she had to sleep before Santa Claus could come. I couldn’t be mad as I was so happy she was able to understand about what was happening.
I woke before Little Miss on Christmas morning so I opened my gifts in bed. I heard her just before 8:30 so we headed downstairs, her little face was a picture. She did so fantastic with opening her gifts even if it did take quite a while. Every time she came across something she loved she had to open it or have the tags removed so she could have a play with it before moving on. I just let her as the whole morning was blissful. My parents turned up at about 10:30 and they helped her open the last of her gifts while I got myself ready to go down to their house.
At my parents everyone received more gifts as my mum isn’t ready to accept that Santa Claus doesn’t visit her house anymore. Little Miss received a Mega Bloks building table, a red bus with “peoples” and a dressing up Minnie Mouse as well as books, dvds and clothes. I received some lovely gifts from my parents, I was especially pleased to finally get a hold of Marc Jacobs Honey perfume and Once Upon a Time season 2 as well as some awesome Minnie Mouse slippers and Monster University on DVD. My parents and sister seemed to like their gifts.
My sister and I helped my mother with the Christmas dinner. We were making three courses as usual which was easier said than done with Little Miss and my nephew running around. It was crazy and I think by the time we all sat down we were ready for it.
For starters we had the family favourite of pears in parma ham with goats cheese and a balsamic dressing. Followed by turkey and all the trimmings for mains and then a chocolate fondu type pudding and squirty cream for dessert. Oh, and a lot of wine. Needless to say I slept in the afternoon, only waking up to cry at Toy Story 3… and by cry I mean sob for a good 15 minutes. Then Santa Claus came for a visit.
Yes, my dad dressed up as Santa Claus and brought the kids another present each since we hadn’t managed to get to see one this Christmas. It was adorable, they didn’t realise it was their grandad and Little Miss even gave him a kiss when she received her present. My nephew kept asking for him to come back until he went home that night. It was probably the best part of the whole day. The evening ended with more to eat, more to drink and my mum taking me home so I could build up some of Little Miss’ new toys. It actually ended up taking two evenings to get everything up but at least that’s her entertained for the next few weeks at least.
Hope you all had a great Christmas. Normal service will resume in 2014 but in the mean time, look out for another Christmas post tomorrow.

Sara Thomas
I love how she’s always more interested in the box, hahaah!
Louise H
Gorgeous amazing that your dad dressed up as Santa loads of things Liv will hopefully remember x I love the post title I’ve been singing that song since christmas eve lol I’m driving my mum nuts xx Merry Christmas xx
Scarlett Fashion Blog
Ah lovely, it will just get more enjoyable as she gets older😊 x
Awww bless her. Looks like you had an amazing Christmas. I love her in the box bless her x
Alannah Margaret
Lovely photos! Seems like you had an amazing Christmas! xx
Alannah | http://www.alannahmargaret.blogspot.com
Hayley Warren
Sounds like you had the most amazing day. I love Jack’s little Santa shirt!
Kariss Ainsworth
Everything looks so perfect! I love the disney tinsel, I used to have some as a kid, didn’t know they still made it. Olivia is priceless! I love that your dad did that too, its so sweet!