• Reviews

    Treacle Moon Iced Strawberry Dream Review

    Treacle Moon and I have been good friends for about the last 4 years. When I lived with two of my friends our bathroom used to have a few different kinds of the bath & shower gel at a time because they were such good price, lasted forever and Tescos stocked them which was our nearest super market. They’re multiple use meaning they work great as bubble bath and as a shower gel. In recent years I’ve turned to Radox due to the fact being a parent is so stressful but when I was offered the chance to review one of the newer Treacle Moon bath and shower gels, I…

  • Other,  Reviews

    My Bathtime Routine*

    I have to admit, my favourite nights of the week are the ones I have time to take a bath. So when Victoria Plumb sent me a basket of goodies to help make “me time” more relaxing, I was really looking forward to that night of the week where my schedule was clear and LM was in bed bang on 7pm. Today I thought I’d share with you my bathtime routine, because it really is one of the few parts of my life I have a dedicated routine for and I ensure I make time for it at least once a week. My bathtime routine is actually two parts, the…