Making Some Savings In Time For Christmas*
Summer might still be very fresh in the mind, but in all the doom and gloom of recent months, it’s already beginning to look a lot like Christmas. A lot of your high-street favourites are already introducing their Christmas collections, so it’s time to start thinking about your own shopping and how you’re going to budget for Christmas. At a time of year that’s difficult for many, it’s time to put aside those extra pennies. Get some help with the following tips to help make savings in time for Christmas. Cut down your bills One of the easiest ways to free up some monthly savings is to cut down on…
3 Ways to Make Life With Chronic Illness a Little Easier*
2020 has been a whole mess for a lot of people, but for those with chronic illness, it’s been even worse. On August the 1st, England finally ended it’s shielding for the vulnerable, but that doesn’t just mean they can pop to the shops and carry on. Life was hard for them before COVID, and will continue to be hard long after we get it under control. I struggle with PCOS, and as far as chronic illness goes, it’s not that bad and it makes me feel luckily that I don’t really need to alter my day to day life much. For others that’s really not the case. Being lockdown…
Songs To Add To Your Definitive Summer Playlist*
Summer is finally here and after the Spring we’ve had, we should be all embracing summer as much (and as safely) as possible. While not many of us are feeling comfortable with going abroad (especially with the ever changing quarentine list), we’re all looking forward to staycations, back yard barbeques, picnics in the park and days on the beach. That’s if the weather will give us something to work with! With all the fun summer events cancelled (I’m really feeling not having the Olympics this year, that really brings people together) people will be looking to making their own fun, have you considered a garden festival? My neighbours have been…
Food and Drink to Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth*
Teeth whitening is a safe, non-invasive, and affordable way to improve your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Although there are plenty of cosmetic dental procedures out there that can improve the straightness of your teeth, whitening your teeth is sometimes all it might take to enhance your smile. However, not everyone understands that if you want to prolong the results of your teeth whitening treatment, then it is important that you pay close attention to your diet. With this in mind, let us first discuss the most common teeth whitening treatments before then suggesting types of food and drink to avoid both during and after the whitening process. A Brief…
3 Social Distance Date Ideas To Try This Summer*
It’s July, and yes, we’re still in the midst of a pandemic, lucky us! But as everyone keeps telling me, can’t put our lives on hold forever.. and while I’m okay with that sentiment I wish everyone wanted to do this and keep safe! Unfortunately many people think these two things are mutually exclusive, but you can keep safe and attemp to get your life back in some way, and that includes dating. Lockdown has been tough on us single people. For long time we couldn’t see anyone, not even our friends and family, that type of isolation can affect mental health, but it can also give you the time…
Living Life on a Budget in 2020
Ever since I became officially an adult, I’ve lived life on a strict budget, apart from the years I was age 21-23. For my first three years in adult hood, I was at university. Due to my parents income I didn’t qualify for much extra so I had to take a job. Of course university is all about the social life so I remember having £6 to feed myself for a week so I could still go out when I wasn’t at work. After I finished University I had a few care free years of shopping sprees and trips before I fell pregnant and then the excessive budgeting started all…