
8 Remedies that will Make Your Wrinkles Go Away*

Wrinkles happen when the skin loses elasticity. It naturally occurs as we age. That is because collagen production tends to slow down as we get older. That said, natural causes are not the only causes for wrinkling. Some factors like sun exposure, pollution and lifestyle habits usually have a significant role to play. Wrinkling may be a natural process, but there are various things you can do to keep the creases off your face. Here are some remedies to make the wrinkles go away:

Protect your skin from the sun

Sun exposure can have several damages to the skin. Premature ageing and wrinkling are some unwanted effects of exposure to the sun. Protecting your skin from the sun will help slow the signs of ageing. Apply SPF before leaving the house. You will keep the wrinkles off and reduce the likelihood of getting skin cancer. Do not skip wearing sunscreen on days that are not sunny. The dangerous UV rays can penetrate the clouds. Go the extra mile by wearing hats on sunny days and sunglasses with UV protection.

Tone down on the sugar

Limiting sugar intake helps reduce wrinkling. See, sugar initiates glycation in the body. The advanced glycation end products are not healthy for your skin. They break down the collagen that helps maintain the elasticity of your skin. Reducing sugar intake will keep your face youthful and wrinkle-free for longer.

Say no to smoking

There are plenty of reasons why smoking is detrimental to your health. One of the lesser-known effects is premature ageing of the face. Smoking affects how your skin looks. It may make you look older and have wrinkles on your face. Cutting out smoking will reduce premature ageing and help minimize the risk for cancers and other diseases.

Wash your face

Washing your face every night is not an exercise in futility. It may seem like a simple thing, but it helps to keep the skin looking youthful. When you sleep with makeup, the skin absorbs it. Some cosmetics have harsh chemicals that could cause stress on your skin. Spare five minutes every night to clean your face. Be gentle and avoid vigorous scrubbing.

Get an anti-wrinkle treatment

Anti-wrinkle injection has grown in popularity because of its effectiveness in reducing the signs of ageing in the face. Wrinkles on the forehead, cheeks, lips and around the eyes are among the first ageing signs but they are also a display of emotions. The beauty is that you can get a tailored injection to eliminate them. This treatment can help modify the way your face muscles interact to show emotion. If you keep getting comments like you look angry, cranky or even sad when you are not, then this treatment is for you!
Remember to get injections from reputable doctors and clinics near you. In Australia for example, the treatment can be administered by qualified medical practitioners including registered nurses and doctors. So, if you are in Australia, you can check out a reputable practitioner like Sydney skin care clinic. The same applies to the UK and the US. You will avoid running into post-treatment issues like facial asymmetry.

Use Retinoids

Retinoids are a common anti-ageing ingredient. They work because they can enhance collagen production. The skin will look plumped when collagen production is high. They also promote skin regeneration and the creation of new blood vessels. All of these enhance the overall appearance and texture of the skin. Retinoids are available in gels and creams that you can get at your local beauty store. However, some retinoids are only available with a prescription. Various types of retinoids have varying degrees of potency. It is, therefore, safest to consult a dermatologist to help you identify the best option for your skin.

Moisturize your face

Moisturizers hydrate and nourish the skin. The older you get, the drier your face gets. And the more prone you are to getting wrinkles. Use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid to prevent wrinkles from forming or worsening.


Water is essential for many body functions and vital processes. It can also keep the skin healthy and hydrated. Taking water hydrates the skin and boosts its elasticity. Add some lemon balm leaf extract to your water to manage tissue damage, promote skin elasticity, and get rid of wrinkles.

Wrapping up

Ageing is a fact of life. However, that is no reason to carry all the evidence on your face. The remedies above will help to remove stubborn wrinkles from your face.

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