5 Reasons Why an Internship is a Great Step after University*
So you’re hurtling towards graduation and heading out into the world and you currently don’t know what your next step is going to be. It feels scary. But I can assure you, you’re not alone in this feeling. A long time ago I was there too. Everyone is giving you different advice and while you’ve worked hard to get your degree, you know there is a chance you won’t ever end up working in your chosen field. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid that happening. And one of the great ways to do this is through an internship. An internship is a great step for people currently at university or having recently graduated. It’s also great for people who want to change direction in their career. But for today, we’re focusing on the benefits an internship offers you around the time of graduation.
Some Universities will offer you a chance to do an internship as part of your course, but this isn’t the case for all. Fear not, internships are heavily advertised and it won’t be hard to find one to apply for. This includes International Internships London, great for those looking to move to the UK to pursue a career.
Here are another 5 reasons why an internship is a great step after university!
Gain Experience and Skills
If you have ever applied for a skilled job you’ll have seen the ever pressing requirement of “must have experience in this role“. It can be so disappointing to see when you’re a new graduate. Because how do you get experience if someone won’t give you a job? Well that is where an internship comes in! Those in an internship role are there purely to gain experience and skills. They’re not there to know everything, it is a learning on the job role which is why it often offers less money. You will receive practical real life experience of your chosen profession.
Looks Good on CV
Showing you’re willing to start at the bottom in a role and take on an internship which is typically paid more in valuable experience than money, looks amazing on your CV. Not only will you have gained that valuable experience that professions are often looking for when it comes to their hires, it shows an initiative to better yourself which is a very employable trait. When it comes down to it, you want to be the better person for a role, and an internship on your CV can give you a leg up.
Gets Your Foot in the Door
For some jobs you have no other option but to start at the bottom. What better way to do that than with an internship. It is an entry level position but it’s also one that could fast track you to a higher paid job within the company. An internship is a great step to getting yourself noticed if you have found where you want to work. Interns typically work in assistant roles learning from their superiors, it’s not just about getting coffee. Starting as an intern can lead to a permanent job, so don’t write it off as a path post University.
Helps Secure References
Leading on from the point above, even if it doesn’t get your foot in the door and you’re let go after your internship is complete, you might come away with some amazing references! References are a big deal in a lot of industries and they really can make or break your job application. I know it might seem small in comparison to an internship leading to a job, but a good reference could see you being offered a good job on the spot. Word of mouth is a powerful tool and business contact building is important in so many fields of work.
Learn from Industry Professionals
What better way to learn about a career than from the very best! A lot of internship positions allow you to do this as you’re actually being hired to learn on the job. Not to fill a low level position. And that is the big difference. This is why this is such a great step to take after graduation. There aren’t many ways to access this kind of learning on the job.
Final Words
Internships often get a bad rep because they’re generally lower paid and don’t always lead to a job. But sometimes you have to start at the bottom to work your way to the top. And just because you don’t come away with a job, you do have the skills and experience that allow you to apply for better paid jobs from that moment on wards. Sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.