
Easy Steps To Create A Sustainable Self-Care Routine*

Looking after your body and mind is perhaps the most challenging thing to do, though it matters more than anything else. Most people need to invest in self-care, but it often takes a back seat because there is so much more to do. Even if you create a self-care plan, it is hard to stick with it. Some plans aren’t viable enough, while you may feel too lazy to follow even a simple one. If you want real results, you must create a sustainable routine that is easy to embrace once and follow for the long run. Here are some steps that can set you up for success.

Set self-care goals

If you want to make something easy to follow, start by setting goals. Think of one thing you want to achieve for yourself every day. For example, you can prioritize getting eight hours of sleep a day. You may consider a weight loss goal or think of learning a new language. Think beyond short-term things and plan for the long term, such as going for one solo trip every year. Ensure that these targets are realistic and measurable because they have better chances of making you stick.

Find what works for you

Self-care works differently for everyone, so you cannot take a one-size-fits-all approach to it. It is vital to have a personalized plan that works for you. You may like spending time outdoors, getting a back rub from your partner, meditating,  or soaking in a tub full of warm water with essential oils. For some, a cup of herbal tea and listening to a spring song is the idea of ultimate relaxation. Do what you love, and you will have no problems following the routine.

Try something different 

Even the best self-care routines can get boring if you do the same things day in and day out. Trying something different is a great idea to regain interest in your well-being. You can explore the magic of cannabis as a wellness aid, but start with good research and guidance. Understand how specific strains work and what outcomes you can expect. For example, the apple fritter strain is ideal for users who want to relax and ease stress. It helps you deal with insomnia too. Pick a safe dosage and right timing, and you will feel the anxiety melting away.

Evaluate your routine every seven days

When it comes to sustainability, positive benefits drive you ahead. If you see things working in your favor, you will not feel like skipping. Conversely, it is easy to give up when results aren’t visible. Evaluate your self-care routine every week to get a fair idea of where it is heading. It can help you pick the gaps and tweak the plan for better results too. The practice is more about trial and error, so you cannot expect the same things to work for years. Be open to change and embrace it happily.

A sustainable self-care routine is easy to follow and result-oriented. Pick practices you can weave into your daily life without investing extra time and effort, and you will have no problems staying committed.

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