5 Ways Our Lives Are Different Post-Lockdown*
It’s July 2020, life has changed a lot in the last seven months. In fact, many of us don’t recognise our lives from seven months ago. Although a lot of people are harping on about “going back to normal” but if you genuinely believe things can truly go back to normal any time soon, you must have spent mandatory lockdown hiding under a rock! And I honestly mean that in the kindest way possible.
For the vast majority of us though, this COVID-19 pandemic has been a chance for us to look at our lives. Some of us have changed the way we work, play and even parent. And while a lot of it feels like a major inconvenience, some of it is hopefully for the better.
So here are 5 ways our lives have changed post lockdown, you can make up your mind what’s great about this list, and what’s not so great!
What You Pick Up On Your Way Out
In the past people have always talked about wallet/purse and keys. If you have them, all is well. However, in post lockdown world you also need to remembers your face covering and hand sanatiser. And if you’re going further a field you may also want to bring some disinfectant wipes, especially if you’re using public transport. If you told me in January these would be things I ALWAYS pack in my bag (particularly a face covering, never used one in my life), I’d have honestly thought you were joking, but there you go!
Dating Life
For weeks on end, dating was a hugely controversial subject. Even after lockdown restrictions were lifted, relations were still very much frowned upon (although I’m still unsure how that was ever policed). But now people can meet, a lot of us are rightly nervous. Is dating in your area and using a local website, for example a Fife dating site, if that’s your area going to become the new norm? By using www.datefifesingles.co.uk you’ll be able to meet for social distancing dates at first and it won’t take too much out of your day. And will people become more casual with hook ups? Only time will tell.
Work From Home
There seems to have been a huge shift in the work from home environment. When a lot of jobs had no option but move to work from home with Zoom calls as a way of networking, they were able to do it. So why shouldn’t this become the norm? Why can’t work from home be offered for people who need to take personal days. The work is still done but they can avoid a work environment that could be potentially harmful to someones mental health. It would also open the door for the chronically ill.
Raising Kinder Kids
For me, one of the biggest changes is how I talk to my daughter and how we view the outsider world. Yes, the government doesn’t think she’ll be much affected by the virus, but I want her to know that she could pass it on to someone who could be. I know I’m still very much in the minority here. I see hoards of kids roaming around where we live, their parents aren’t too bothered if they transmit it. But I am and I know other parents feel the same. Lets hope when the schools reopen a lot of people suddenly develop common sense.
How To Socialise
In the past you make social plans and you enjoy them. But in 2020 when you make social plans you weigh up the risks. People are meeting up outdoor more. There are no large gatherings and if you want to be really careful, you stay 2 metres apart. For me, it’s just part of life now and I’m happy to continue this way until the world feels safer. I have friends in Florida who are living in a nightmare and I don’t wish to join them any time soon!
How have you adapted your life in 2020?