
10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Body In Your Twenties*

Taking care of your body in your twenties is one of the most important things you can do. We can get away with a lot in our teens, and although we can get away with things in our twenties, it’s better to get into good habits now. As we age, we aren’t as resilient, and it can be easy to break those bad habits that we’ve formed over the years. If you want to make sure you’re doing the best things for your body while you’re in your twenties, read on for 10:

Get Into The Habit Of Exercise
Getting into the habit of exercise as early on as possible will help you to maintain your weight, avoid illness and disease, and feel great. Exercise affects every aspect of our lives. You shouldn’t just exercise to look good, although that can be a huge bonus. Exercise because it makes you feel amazing, because it makes you better at tasks in everyday life, because it improves your sleep, and because you’ll live longer. There are so many reasons to get into the habit right now!

Develop A Healthy Relationship With Food
Most people have an unhealthy relationship with food. It could mean under eating or overeating. It could mean binge eating, using food as a reward too often – the list goes on. Food should be enjoyed, but it should also be looked at as nourishment for the body. It should support you and help you to function better. If you’re eating junk, you’re not going to be doing the best thing for your body. Even eating nothing but salads can be an unhealthy mindset. The way you eat should be all about balance and moderation!

Stop Smoking
It’s 2020, so we shouldn’t need to go into too much detail about how bad smoking is for you. Smoking shortens your life span, and can make life pretty difficult for you if you’re a long term smoker. Avoid it at all costs so you don’t struggle to quit this bad habit later on in life.

Make Sure You’re Getting A Good Quality Sleep
Good quality sleep is key to feeling great and getting as much done as possible. Make sure that the sleep you’re getting is high quality by winding down before bed, removing electronics from the bedroom, and ensuring your bed is perfectly tailored to you. If you have a bad back, you may need to ask yourself, what is the best mattress for a bad back? Some people who have back issues prefer firmer mattresses, but they could actually make back issues worse. It could be better to speak to a professional and then go to test mattresses out in person before making your decision.

Protect Your Skin
The sun doesn’t need to be out and visible to do damage to your skin. Make sure you’re protecting your skin each and every day by applying SPF. You don’t have to apply sunscreen to your skin if it’s not on show, but you should apply to your face and hands. Take sun protection seriously, especially if you’re out in the sun a lot or going on holiday.

Regular Health Check Ups
Regular health check ups will help you to identify issues before they become too serious. Go for your eye tests, teeth check ups, and any other health checks that are recommended to you. If you don’t, you may end up with even more expensive appointments in the future to fix your problems when they get worse. Don’t take your health for granted.

Avoid Binge Drinking
It can be tempting to binge drink, especially if your friends do it when they go out, or you like to have a drink in the house. However, things can quickly get out of hand. Take things slowly when you do go out for a drink, and try to alternate with soda or water. Most people have multiple drinks before the first one has even been processed by the body! This is how you end up too drunk, sick, and with memory loss.

Meditation can fix a plethora of problems, from a lack of creativity to feeling too stressed out. We can lead very busy lives, but making time for meditation can make all the difference.

Fix Your Posture
Making sure you have good posture is especially important if you work sitting down every day. Work on sitting up straight and use something to help you if you need it.

Have Fun
See if you can find various ways of having fun without alcohol. Having fun is crucial for your stress levels and well being!

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