
Big City Living at Home*

I’m not sure how many days you’re into your social distancing/isolating but we’re only on day 4 and things already feel hard. I’m fighting the urge to nap all the time because it feels like the fastest way to pass time! Of course being at home alone with an 8 year old means it’s not the most practical thing to be doing. Thankfully during the week we have home schooling to keep us busy or I’m sure I’d find all the days merging into one.

The new norm of social distancing has probably come as a bit of a shock for people. Especially extroverts with busy social lives. For them it’s hard not to miss the bright lights and excitement of the big city, so this blog post is dedicated to how you can achieve the glamour of the city and having a social life in your own living room!

Film sites

Whilst going to the cinema used to be an essential part of growing up, the rising admission prices and grossly inflated costs of buying a bag of popcorn have made it into a fairly exorbitant event.

Thankfully the digital revolution means that we can now all enjoy the cinema experience from the comfort of our own homes. There’s a range of great online services like Netflix that offer hundreds of films and TV series online in a way that is very user-friendly, and relatively cheap too.

So for an authentic movie evening, just fire up your widescreen television, get a bag of supermarket popcorn, and indulge yourself in the latest Hollywood blockbuster.

Gaming sites

As a child, computer games used to have a fairly limited audience appeal. They often seemed to be aimed at boys in bedrooms, but thankfully things have changed somewhat!

I cannot recommend enough the benefits of a Switch. Not online can you connect online and play with your friends but you can play with others in your house.

But whilst it’s fun to play colourful games, it’s even more fun to get a little bit decadent. Going to the casino is a great way to spend time with your girlfriends, but it can be expensive. Thankfully there are a great range of online casinos such as These offer a gaming environment that is fun and easy to use, and you can even win as much online as you could in a real casino – perhaps enough to take an actual big city holiday when this is all over!

Getting social

One of the things that can be missed most about living in the city is how easy it is to meet up with friends. And thankfully technology has come to the rescue again.

Not only are there many social media sites like Facebook that allow you to spend hours online catching up with long-lost acquaintances, but video-chatting on apps like Skype and Facetime are another great way to stay in touch too. And what’s more is that they run off your Wi-Fi, so you won’t run up massive telephone bills!

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