
Why We Need to Think About Using Renewable Energy*

Over the last year there has been a lot of talk about climate change and you must have been living under a rock if you’ve missed it! There are some important figure heads around the world who are still in denial that we are heading for a climate crisis, they aren’t doing anything to stop it happening even though scientists have given us hard facts. If we don’t change our ways soon the damage to the environment will be irreversible.  In January the Doomsday Clock moved to a mere 100 seconds to midnight and part of that is due to drastic climate change.

Thankfully there are some amazing trail blazers like Douglas Healy. He’s working hard to convince some of these big wigs why we need to be thinking more seriously about sustainable energy. And these are some of the main points being raised;

Environmental Benefits
The first one is the obvious one, the environmental benefits to switching to renewable energy. Less trees will be chopped down for burning, no more drilling for oil and risking oil spills that can devastate whole eco systems and with less burning of fossil fuels there will be less air pollution.

Renewable Energy isn’t Finite
You’ve got to be really selfish if you don’t want to leave an energy source for future generations. Luckily, renewable energy isn’t finite. It won’t run out. Ever. Unlike fossil fuels like coal which we have already used the majority of. If we don’t make the switch before the source runs out we won’t be able to. It needs to be a gradual shift and we need to start now. By making the switch slowly over the next 20/30 years it will give everyone energy security.

Job Creation
First world countries are always complaining about jobs being outsourced to other countries. Did you know that by starting the switch to renewable energy it would create local jobs as water and wind power are usually supplied locally? It also helps boost the economy when sustainable energy technologies are developed and can be sold to other countries that are also wanting to make the switch.

Sustainable Energy Can Begin At Home
Sustainable energy is something that people can start using for themselves especially if they have a lot of land or live somewhere that experiences a lot of sun. Probably the most popular source of renewable energy is solar. You’ll have seen houses with the panels on their roof. It is expensive to install but it’s in you’ll feel better for using clean energy and doing your bit for the environment. It would be great if the government would invest in this source of reusable energy as for the time being, the sun is staple and isn’t going anywhere.

I think the threat of a climate crisis is very real and I’m one of these people who want to see change happening in my lifetime to try and save our only home planet. We’re a selfish race but we’re running out of time when it comes to saving the planet for the future.

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