What is Gum Disease?*
Gum diseases are caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a substance that contains a type of bacteria. Some bacteria we know are harmless and some we know can be harmful for our body, and our health. The mouth is a gateway for our body and so it becomes easier for disease to spread.
There are different types of gum disease, the most common is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth called gingivitis. The most common name for gum disease is periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild disease and it’s usually signs of the first stages of gum disease.
Why should I choose a dentist in Mackay such as Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland?
A dental practice has a much higher level of care than you would be able to provide for yourself. Isn’t it reassuring to know that you can visit a dental practice that has up to date knowledge and technology and years of combined experience with industry healthcare individuals that have the relevant training.
Going to a dental practice will give you the option to get advice, to get the right treatment, to get a consultation and to find out ways to improve your overall dental health.
What options do I have for my children?
When it comes to children, it’s important to know that there is a dentist in Mackay that is child friendly. It is important to know that there are child friendly practices for you and your young family.
It’s a place where you know a gentle dental team will look after young children. It’s important to make sure that children feel relaxed and at ease and make the visit memorable for all the right reasons; to tell them how well they have been looking after their teeth!
It is important to know your chosen dental practice can overcome an anxious or nervous child.
By having gentle encouragement to ensure that children are not worried it makes the whole journey of maintaining healthy teeth that much easier.
The main the main aim for children to have dentistry from a young age and regular dentistry is fairly similar to adults, it is a preventative measure for poor dental care and hygiene.
The sooner a child develops a consistent and regular routine of looking after their dental care then the longer and the greater the chance a child has of being able to enjoy a healthy smile.
What kind of cosmetic dental care options are there?
Have you had a filling before or has it chipped or fallen out? Do you just know that you need one doing? White fillings are available to compliment that smile of yours or make you feel less self-conscious.
Always wanted that smile straightened and have all your teeth in line? You can with invisible braces ensuring that it keeps the treatment less noticeable. Everyone wears these braces for different periods of time and generally maintain the upkeep through regular check ins.
If you have stained teeth or imperfections, veneers are just the thing to help change the whole smile.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second
opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.