
Things to Think About When Moving Abroad*

There aren’t many people in the country who haven’t seriously considered moving abroad once or twice in their lives. It’s probably more of the idea that the grass is always greener on the other side, and although in a lot of cases when it comes to emigrating, it often is greener, you can’t always be sure until you get there.

If you’re seriously considering uprooting your family and making the move, you have to ensure you have thought about everything, from the little things right through to the very worst case scenarios. It’s not something you should ever take lightly.


Here are a few things you need to have a serious think about;

Getting a Job
Unfortunately, we live in a world where very few people are in the financial position where they don’t have to work. The rest of us do need a job to live. Unless the reason you’re moving abroad is because you have been offered a job, you will have to find work. And this can be difficult. Ensure you are aware of any visas you need and perhaps have a look at the job market before taking the plunge. You don’t want to get out there and find you’re unable to get work which would result in serious financial difficulties.

Your Children’s Education
If you have a family, it’s a big change for them. Not only will they be leaving beside everything they’ve ever known, but they may have to start school somewhere that doesn’t have English as their first language. Luckily there are a lot of expat. schools, for example LAUDE Newton College, in Spain. These schools teach a British curriculum so your child will be prepared if they do ever want to return back home. They also offer local languages and help your children integrate into the area.

Lifestyle Changes
You need to be aware of the impact lifestyle changes will have on your family. Not just the different climates but you have to think about local customs and holidays as well as laws. Before moving you need to thoroughly research your new home so you can fit in seamlessly and without too much trouble.

Is it Financially Viable?
Finally, you have to thing hard about whether or not you can afford to make the move and if it will be financially viable. You need to make sure you can find jobs, afford schooling and healthcare if it doesn’t have a free system. If you can afford to live a good life in comparison to what you have here. Do you have money to fall back on if you cannot find a job? It might not be as easy as you think especially if you don’t have many qualifications.

I won’t lie, I would love to move abroad. I think it would be an amazing experience. But when I look at the big picture and everything that you need to do to make it happen, I think we’d spend many years trying to find our feet before we’re truly happy, and at this point in our lives, it’s just not worth it.

Would you ever consider moving abroad?



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