Save Money With Look After My Bills*
It’s already been a few weeks since we came back from our most recent Disney trip, and yes, I’m already looking for ways to scrape together funds to book another one for the end 2019. That means looking closely at my incomings and outgoings. It’s time consuming, but it works and in the past I’ve managed to save a lot of money. I’m thankful I do have time to sit down and do this, but that’s not the case for everyone. Last year, around 57% of people have remained on the standard tariffs, this is the most expensive one and this could be all down to avoiding reviewing their energy suppliers due to it being time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Look After My Bills is a new service, it was launched January 2018 but it’s already gaining some serious recognition for what is offered and was featured on Dragons Den. On average Look After My Bills can save a customer £251, but this can also be as much as £400! So how does it work?
So Look After My Bills (or LAMB) is the newest energy comparison website, and what sets it apart from all the rest is it reviews your energy suppliers every single year and automatically switches you to the one that will give you the best deal for your consumtion. It takes out all of the leg work for you and ensures that you continueously have the best deal year in and year out.
I know “automatically” switching can sound daunting, but it’s really not. LAMB will notify you before they compare the market for you, if they happen to find you a better deal, saving you at least £50 (or £15 on prepaid suppliers) they’ll automatically switch you. You’ll receive an email notifying you of the switch and you’ll have 14 days to review this or cancel. They only work with suppliers that meet customer satisfaction standards and they remain impartial to those companies ensuring every customer gets the best deal. In the next year they’re hoping to branch out into Broadband comparison, so keep an eye out for that.
LAMB is now one of the leading energy switching companies with over 10000 members. People are now catching on how important it is to review your energy tariffs with the rising costs but sometimes the manual work that goes into switching puts people off. Look After My Bills was so easy to sign up to that there really isn’t any excuse, and I love the fact that even though I’ll probably forget to check in a years time, they won’t.
By now you’re probably wondering if you have to pay for this service, and the best part is, you don’t. LAMB actually takes their comission from the energy supplier, not from the customer which is reall all the more reason to do it.
If you’re still not convinced, you can do more of you own research on news and business websites like the Mirror and the Evening Standard, but you’ll find it’s all positive. Those of us who have tried Look After My Bills have only good stuff to say, because after all, who doesn’t like saving money?