
Pet Content // Why is Puppy Biting Training so Hard?*

For some people, teaching puppy how not to bite can be a real task. Keep in mind that dogs are like real children; once their teeth start growing, they become itchy and irritated. At the same time, they will start exploring their new bodily function by biting everything around them. Still, teeth are much more important to dogs than to us. Yes, we both need them to eat but dogs also use them as a way of interacting with others. As they have limited options at their disposal, they will use teeth in a playful manner. Unfortunately, they might occasionally cross the line. You need to teach your puppy to be mindful of biting. While being puppies, they are unaware of the strength of their jaw. You are the one that needs to teach them how strong they actually are.


Biggest mistakes about biting training
Like with every dog training, there are lots of different things you might do wrong. Inexperienced owners can not only mess up the training, but also affect how the dog develops. Biting training is very important for dog’s discipline and it may affect other things in its life as well.

First and foremost, some owners make a mistake by starting to late. Instead of forcing the training from the first day of biting, they might take a week or two to get acquainted with the basics. In puppy’s terms, this might be too late as it starts developing bad habits. In that sense, you have to learn more about the training before biting begins.

Second, some owners are too lenient. They don’t stick to the plan and may even give mixed messages to the dog. It is very important to be consistent from the first day. As you cannot communicate with the dog, it will learn from your body language. So, make sure to use the same type of reinforcement and scolding. With that being said, you also have to avoid any type of severe punishment.

The most important thing is to provide enough love to puppies. You need to avoid physical punishment at all costs as something that may affect your relationship and negatively impact a puppy. Beating your dog may lead to trauma and you don’t want then. Instead, try to be patient.

Best training methods
Puppies usually start biting during playtime. As you snuggle, puppy will start biting you. At first, this might seem cute. After a while, as their teeth become stronger, it will lead to severe scratching and even bleeding. While controlled biting may be ok, the lines are easily blurred. Puppy simply doesn’t understand what it’s doing and in order for it to understand, you need to give it clear signs. Best way to do it is by yelling.

Whenever you’re hurt, you need to show it. Don’t try to act tough as biting will continue unless you stop it. If necessary, act startled and uncomfortable. Most dogs will pick up your body language and stop biting. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work and puppy may continue biting. So, what do you do then? Stop playing with it!

Biting usually occurs during playtime or while you have some other physical contact. Keep in mind that puppy is enjoying itself at that particular moment. If you remove enjoyment, stop playing that is, it will do everything in its power to correct its behavior so you can continue playing once again.

But sometimes, even with all that, puppy may continue biting. In fact, it might even go after you and bite you. If that is the case, you need to use more severe forms of punishment. In other words, you need to isolate the dog and remove it from your vicinity. Given how much puppy is attached to you, this will be a big blow and it will likely lead to a positive result.

Being proactive is the name of the game. Puppy needs to learn how not to bite before you start going outside. Biting can cause various issues for a dog, and it might even have trouble making dog friends. It is also very annoying for you and even dangerous. But don’t worry; as long as you follow our awesome tips, you can do no wrong!

About the author: I’m Lene Kaufmann. One of my biggest passions in life is dogs and dog training, and I’ve  trained multiple award winning hunting dogs as well as new puppy. Visit my site to get free puppy training tips to help you raise a happy and obedient dog.

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