Empowered Women and the Rise of the Self-Love Ring*
Next month on March 8th is International Women’s Day. A day born out of our desire to be equal. Through this, there is a new trend emerging for women and it’s all about self-appreciation and self-loving. It is the rise of the self-love ring; some women are even taking it as far as marrying themselves and others are in a relationship referred to as ‘sologamy’. Having spent years in unhappy relationships including an abusive one with men, I can honestly see the appeal. These days I’m happier alone than in a bad relationship. So together with Angelic Diamonds engagement rings, we take a closer look at the trend and how women are showing off their independence.
Where Did It Originate From?
The self love ring trend saw it’s orgins in early 2016 and it’s popularity has continued to saw although it’s not known exactly what drove the trend, as women have been preaching self-appreciation for many years (because lets face it, so few men actually appreciate us!) But it’s possibly down to a combination of these things:
The Rise of Social Media. The fastest way to spread a new trend these days is through social media, especially visual platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram. If a trend goes viral you can guarentee everyone and their mother will want to get in on it!
The Influence of Celebrity. Another way for a trend to spread is if a popular celebrity is seen endorsing it. This is how diet trends become popular or a particular item of clothing, or even a lifestyle!
The Popularity of Mindfulness. With the fast pace lifestyle people are now encouraged to invest in some self care time. Part of that self care is to show yourself love and although this is popular with women, it’s not exclusive to them.
The Self-Love Rings
Unsure what they are? Self-Love rings are meant to represent one’s commitment to oneself and a dedication that you’ll put yourself first and look after your own well-being. They are meant to be worn on your little finger. This is to represent a ‘pinky promise’ to yourself which is a rather cute philosophy in my opinion. Those who practise self-love have said that when you love yourself, you change the way that you act and this can positively affect your relationship as you no longer rely on your partner to make you happy. Some females purchase a self-love ring with their best friends to focus on the importance of friendship and make a pledge that you’ll both love yourselves.
Marrying Yourself
If you’re really into this self love concept, you can take it a step further by organising a ceremony of self-marriage. Personally for me, that’s too far however the first sologamous wedding was apparently way back in 1993! Anyone else surprised this concept didn’t make it onto Sex and the City?
Marrying yourself is not a legal process (you can’t divorce yourself, claim legal fees and your marital status won’t change), instead it is simply a celebration, although vows can be made. At the moment it appears to be something more women are interested in but there have been reports of men marrying themselves too. Surprisingly, it’s not just for the single woman either. Some women who have gone through the ceremony have partners, but this day was all about them! A company has even climbed on the back of these ceremonies. It’s called I Married Me — it offers wedding supplies to one-person ceremonies.
Demonstrating to yourself that you’re confident and empowered doesn’t have to come in the form of a ring. There’s other ways to show your love for yourself.. such as a shopping spree, spa day or simply taking the day off for chocolate and Netflix!
I recommend getting a new wardrobe as that’s something that always makes me feel better. Choose bold pieces you’ll wear again and again and pair them with basics from a collection of y2k clothing. I love the baby tees and y2k shirts. If this isn’t for you though, make sure you do something that makes you feel empowered this March 8th!