
Gardening Content // How the Style of Our Gardens have Changed Overtime*

Whether it is fashion or interior design, one thing for sure is that style has changed over time. Trends come and go, and peoples taste change too. Not only this but technology and design also improves and grows with time too, which means that things are never going to stay the same.

With this in mind, we have put together the following blog, a look at how the style of gardens have changed overtime, how things have evolved and whether or not there are still some aspects of garden design that have stayed the same.

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The 1920s and 30s
During the early part of the 20th Century the main aim for any garden was to keep it natural, green and celebrate everything about nature. Many gardeners would make sure that plants were kept lush and green and that there were plenty of bird feeders, bird houses and fish ponds too. Pretty much anything that was going to draw in the wildlife.

One of the most commonplace flowers that were grown during these decades had to be the classic English rose.

The 1950s and 1960s
When the 1950s came around the idea of having a stylish almost suburban garden was a big hit. This led to lots of accessories including plastic flamingos and garden gnomes, and incredibly neat and tidy approaches to shrubs, bushes and plants. Whilst the rose was still a common addition, one of the most important aspects of any garden in this decade is to have a beautiful well kept lawn, with all the chemical additions that seemed to come with this.

This continued into the 1960s when the desire for green perfection begun to overwhelm everything else, with lawns being treated with a variety of chemicals and equipment in order to be immaculate and picture perfect too.

The 1970s
One thing that really seemed to take a hold in the 1970s was that gardens should be allowed to get back to nature and their styling reflected this. Home owners wanted to do something with the garden space that they had, making sure that they used every inch of the garden to grow things and make sure that it had a real feel of natural beauty, rather than a well kept and almost clinical approach which we saw during the 1960s.

The 1980s
One of the biggest changes that occurred during the 1980s is that the way gardens were designed and garden projects were tackled completely changed. Up until this time, hand-drawn methods of planning a garden space were the only option open to those who wanted to make the change, however, with the introduction of computer technology, things changed.

Garden designers were able to combine traditional methods with these more modern approaches, creating a garden that was not only perfectly designed and matched to their needs, but also utilised every inch of space that you had too!

Modern Gardens
There are two major trends that come with gardens in modern times. One is that they have almost become an extension of the house, gardens are a social space, a place for family and friends to come together and spend some time. Modern gardens often have cosy, comfy furniture, where plenty of time can be spent and you will often see a fire pit to keep everyone warm during the colder evenings.

Another thing that you will all too often see in modern gardens is that they are sustainable. Herb gardens, fruit and veggie patches and compost piles are incredibly popular as they not only are a great form of gardening, but also encourage sustainability too.

Of course, even in these modern times people want to make sure that their gardens look their best. With this in mind, it has become more and more popular for people to use the services of a landscaper, an expert who is going to be able to help transform your outdoor space and make sure that it always looks its best.

One thing that doesn’t seem to have changed too much and is standing the test of time, are wooden benches. Wooden benches are not only a great addition to a garden. But they are also simplistic and timeless too. We are sure that as time goes by, no matter what changes happen in gardens around the world, one thing is sure, that wooden benches are still going to be a popular choice.

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