5 Ways to Get Over the Common Cold*
I don’t know about where you live, but this honestly feels like we’ve had the longest Winter in history. On Monday we went for a walk to a local park and when we left, the sun was out but then the freezing fog came in and it was back home with the fire on and hot chocolate. It’s nearly the middle of April now, yes April showers but not freezing fog! Because the weather has been this way since the beginning of October (6 months now!) every one has had to cope with catching a virus multiple times! I’m just getting over a cold that’s gone into my chest and now I have a tickly cough and LM has exactly the same. So frustrating!
Anyway, as I’m kinda prone to catching a cold, here are 5 things I do to get over it and back on my feet.
Drink Orange Juice
As soon as I get that familiar itch in my throat I’m straight out the the shop to stock up on orange juice, or something else with a high vitamin c content. Vitamin C is great for fighting off colds and citrus fruits are the best way to get it. If your throat is sore fruit juice is the perfect way to get it into your system. I honestly drink 3/4 litres every time I have a cold.
Take a Supplement
After having any form of a virus your body needs help recovering. Picking up supplements for the soul is the perfect way to do that. Whether you go for something herbal or a liquid tonic from over the counter (my Nanny always buys me a bottle after I’m sick) they’ll help build up your system as you recover.
Take it easy. The best way to get over a cold virus is to let your body heal itself. Of course, not everyone can take time off work but the time you do at home, sleep, watch Netflix and put your feet up. Having a cold virus will leave you exhausted anyway so listen to your body and chill.
Eat What You Fancy
Your body will tell you what you need, if you want ice cream, eat ice cream as it will keep a temperature down and soothe a sore throat. Chicken soup is also a great when you’ve been ill especially for a cold. If you’ve lost your taste or appetite just keep hydrated until you feel like eating again.
Get Out for Fresh Air
When you’re ill you’re usually combined to your house, breathing the same air, so as soon as you feel well enough you need to get out the house. I remember being a kid and my dad used to call it “getting the stink blown off you” and a simple walk along the prom would have been enough. Remember you’ll probably be quite weak so don’t go to far from home and take it easy.
Hopefully the sun is on its way and we’ll all start feeling better soon!