Treat Yourself This Valentines Day*
Valentine’s Day, the loathed day of singletons everywhere. Despite dating in 2016, this is still my 6th Valentines day in a row that I’m spending alone. And you know what? I’m not even that bothered. Yeah, I’ll feel a little pang of loneliness once LM has gone to bed, but on the whole, it’s just another day. My last V Day as a couple was one of the worst days in 2012, and something I never want to repeat, as the saying goes rather single and happy than in a relationship and miserable (or something like that). I have bought my BFF a gift and I’ve bought LM a gift, I’ll also be cooking for my mother as my dad is working away from home. We’re finally going to see Coco during the day with my sister and nephew too.
Over the years, I have found coping mechanisms for getting through the day. In the beginning I missed having a man to shower with love on the 14th Feb, now I know that I should use the day to TREAT MYSELF. So that’s what I do, and if you’re single, that’s what you should do too. Instead of feeling rubbish there is no one to buy you a gift or take you to dinner, do it for yourself.
I’ve put together the perfect treat yourself evening, including everything you need to head to bed on the 14th feeling content with the life you have, be it single or in a relationship.
Skin Care
My favourite self indulgance on a pamper evening is sticking on a face mask. My skin thanks me for it and I definitely don’t do it as much as I should. I have combination skin so sometimes a mixture of a few face masks is the way to go, but this can get expensive. This is why I love the 7th Heaven Complete Party Pack* as it has a great selection of facemasks for all kinds of skins. It also comes with a flannel, headband and hair masks. These are also awesome if you’re having friends over this Valentines Day for a girls night in.
Hair Care
If you’re going to treat yourself to any beauty products this Valentines Day, invest in some new hair care. I LOVE trying new shampoo and condition. Did you know your hair can become conditioned to the same products if you use them for a long period of time, and this means you no longer see the benefits. It’s recommended that you change up your routine every now and then to keep your hair healthy. I LOVE the Phil Smith Be Gorgeous range, especially the Total Treat with Moroccan Argan Oil shampoo* and conditioner* not only do they smell amazing but they give your hair a great moisture boost. And the best part? It’s cruelty free!
Nothing makes me feel better about myself like a new beauty purchase. There is just something about it, especially if it’s high end and comes in a box. Lancome have brought out a gorgeous range L’Absolut Gloss Matte* and I just love Beaux Arts for every day wear. I find Lancome lip products don’t dry out your lips and are perfect for winter wear, great at this time of year!
Chick Lit
If you’re looking forward to that bubble bath, make sure you have a good chick lit book to go with it. It’s my favourite genre for when I want to chill out and relax. I was so lucky to get an advanced copy of Sophie Kinsella’s newest book Surprise Me* she’s one of my favourite authors in the genre and this book didn’t disappoint, it’s a laugh a minute and although it focuses around a couple, it won’t make you feel lonely this V Day. It’s out now and I recommend you pick it up!
The “Bedroom” Stuff
Romance in the bedroom is eponymous with Valentine’s Day, in fact most people joke about V Day babies born at the end of the year. But if you’re single and feel like you’re missing out, you don’t have to! Ladies, get yourself onto So Divine and order the Wicked Game Magic Wand* for some self love. Who says you need a man for a little bit of fun in the bedroom?
Finally, lets face it, it wouldn’t be Valentines Day without chocolate. So make sure you pick up a box! I personally love the Guylian Belgian chocolate hearts* they’re the perfect size to balance on your lap, and you can eat them all without feeling too guilty!
If you still feel you V Day is lacking, grab that credit card and treat yourself to that splurge on your wishlist. You deserve it!