Home Content // The Best Ways Thoroughly Spring Clean your Kitchen
When the time comes to give your kitchen a good clean there are two things you need to do. The first thing is to plan your cleaning schedule, as there’s nothing worse than starting with no clear focus. You then need to make sure you have all of the essential cleaning products to help you give your kitchen the thorough spring clean it deserves. Once you know exactly where you’re going to tackle and which products you have to do so, you can focus on bringing the sparkle back to those surfaces. So, it’s now time to grab those Marigolds and get stuck in, there’s no time like the present!
Dirty Dishes
First things first, you need to make sure your kitchen is ready for you to carry out a good spring clean. Trying to clean when there are piles of dirty plates and all kinds of miscellaneous items that don’t actually belong in the kitchen is very challenging, as well as time consuming. Start with the dishes, if you have any dirty (or clean) dishes piled up on the side, you need to give them a good clean and neatly put them away in the cupboard. Once your sink area and draining board are clear, you can focus on gathering every item that has accumulated in the kitchen, and take them back to where they belong. From magazines, odd socks and batteries, there are always random items floating around the kitchen that take up lots of space and make the room look cluttered and unorganised. Putting these back in their rightful place will instantly make the room feel spacious and clear.
Cluttered Cupboards
One of the main issues with having the cupboards filled with lots of tins and long-life items is that somewhere down the line they are going to go out of date, and it won’t be until you reach for them during cooking that you realise they’re ready for the bin. To clear your cupboards out thoroughly and make enough space for additional items, you should spend some time sorting through everything. Check the best-before dates and throw anything that’s out of date in the bin. You may find that there are all kinds of different foods that you’re not going to use, in which case you could take these to a food bank to put them to good use. This won’t just help to give your cupboards plenty of space but will also prevent you from being caught out when it comes to needing something that could be out of date!
Worktop Wonders
With so much of your kitchen taken up by your worktops and units, it can have a huge impact on the overall look and feel of the room when they are dull and dirty. Whether you have cream gloss kitchen worktops or solid oak units, you want to maintain a bright, fresh look and the best way to achieve this is to give them a good clean. Wash down your units and worktops before scrubbing off any splattered food, grease and other stubborn stains that accumulate over the weeks. Once you’ve washed off all visible dirt, you should wipe down all surfaces and dry them off. Drying the surfaces will prevent any unwanted streaks or marks to stay, which will show up just as much as dirt and grime does.
Amazing Appliances
Introducing a brand-new appliance to your kitchen is such an exciting feeling, giving a touch of character to the room and lifting the atmosphere. Well, this often fades once the appliance gets some use and becomes dirty and loses its sparkle. By simply cleaning out your microwave, cooker, hobs and washing machine, you can bring them back to life and recreate that fresh, inviting feel that you had when you first purchased them. It’s amazing how much of a difference a clean set of appliances can make to the feel of a kitchen.