Student Content // How To Travel Light As A Student*
No one really mentions how much moving around you end up doing when you’re a student. Whether you’re moving back with your parents for most of the summer, moving into new student accommodation, or you’re lucky enough to be going on a year abroad, you’re always surprised by how much stuff you’ve collected over the past year. It’s all this excess baggage that makes moving stressful and time consuming. As student, you can only afford to have the bare essentials, not just because of your fund, but because most student rooms are lacking in space. Here are a few ways you can travel light through all your student homes.
Capsule Wardrobe
It’s tough keeping your wardrobe minimalist because you don’t wear half your clothes for six months of the year. Every time you realise you have too many clothes, you end up donating most of your seasonal items only to find you miss them when the appropriate seasons comes around again. If you’re really limited by space, then the best thing you can do to look good all year (and save your wallet) is to build a capsule wardrobe that will last all year. Short and long sleeved shirts are good for the whole year, and you should keep a few light jumpers in your wardrobe to layer up during winter. Have one little black dress for dates and formal occasions, and a blazer for job interviews. It might not seem like much, but when you wear the same clothes for pretty much a whole year you’ll see how convenient it is.
Most devices now serve multiple functions, so you don’t need to carry as many electronics with you. Your phone can now play music from iTunes or Spotify, and some tablets work just as well as a laptop, so recycle electronics you don’t need and upgrade to something more efficient. Also, There’s hardly anything that can’t be stored on a computer nowadays, so this is an excellent way to save some space. If you love reading, then keep all your favourite books on a Kindle or eReader, and either borrow your textbooks from the university library or from a student who took the course last year; hardly anyone keeps their books once the course has ended so why bother spending money on a brand new textbook. Once you’re done with it, pass it on to another incoming student.
Cooking Utensils
Most student houses these days don’t come with anything but the most basic furniture, which unfortunately doesn’t always include cooking utensils. Students are used to bringing their own kitchen equipment wherever they go, but it can be a burden if you aspire to be an amateur gourmet chef. However, you don’t need as much as you think – especially if the kitchen is too small in the first place. Many students manage with a couple of plates and bowls, some cheap cutlery, a spatula, wooden spoon, can opener, and a wok. Save the gourmet training for your first adult apartment.