Life Content // Divorce In Numbers*
Being someone in my late 20s, hurtling headlong into my 30s (eek!) of course the idea of marriage has crossed my mind a few times (a lot of times, since I was like 9, not even going to lie about this). However as yet, I haven’t taken the plunge due to many reasons. But do you want to know what’s sad? People who’s wedding I attended in our early 20s have already started to get divorced. Not all of them, but a few and I didn’t realise just how much cost goes into it! I’ve broken up with guys and moved out, and that’s costly enough (throw in a couple of years custody court and it’s really costly, haha) but I can barely imagine just how much getting divorced would cost. It’s great that there are amazing people out there like Peters and may who can help you with this, as well as making it as quick and painless as possible.
A lot of couples who get married young think that their marriage is going to last forever, lets face it, if you get married you must go into it feeling that way, but for a multitude of reasons that’s not always the case. Apparently the most common time for a couple to get divorced it after 7 years of marriage, the 7 year itch is real people. Not only that it’s usually the wife who files for divorce and that’s in marriages to both men and women, the main reason for divorce? Spouse behaviour!
I’m not a child of divorce despite the fact I know my mum considered it once upon a time. It’s not something we talk about but I do feel the sheer cost of splitting their lives apart did factor into. A house, two children, at the time my mum didn’t work full time and then of course the cost of the divorce itself. The more you have, the more bitter the relationship and the more expensive it becomes. You constantly hear of costly high profile divorce battles. Thankfully for most people I know it never comes to that, but it doesn’t stop it being sad.
If you’re in a position where divorce is inevitable getting good representation is a must especially if you don’t feel like there are aspects of your lives that can be neatly tied up.
The Law House have put together a great infographic all about Divorce in Numbers, some of the facts and figures really surprised me.