Our Summer 2016 Bucket List
For almost a week we’ve seen the sun and it’s been wonderful. My mum says we’re back to rain and freezing weather by the end of the week, which is a little heart breaking but in the mean time, I’m looking to summer and what I’d like to do this year. Inspired by Louise’s Summer Listings post, I’ve put together my own bucket list for the summer.
Spend more time outside.
Teach Little Miss to ride a bike.
Make use of the beach on our doorstep.
Have playdates for Little Miss.
Take more photos.
Buy garden toys as LM outgrew all hers last year.
See more friends.
Spend the boyfriend’s birthday with him.
Cook more from scratch and eat better.
Take Little Miss to Disneyland Paris.
Visit three new cities.
Keep pitchers of cocktails and iced coffee in the fridge.
Go to the Fringe festival, both with Little Miss and the boyfriend (or together)
Go for picnics in the countryside.
Attend all the local festivals.
Watch the Olympics
Convince my dad into more family barbecues (we managed one last year, ONE!)
Write more.
Edit and print our holiday photos.
Finish reading The Kingdom keepers series.
Try and get involved in more child friendly blog things.
I think this is a nice list to be going on. I have a lot of personal goals for myself, such as “take compliments better”, “stop avoiding mirrors” as my self esteem is rather low at the moment and causing a few mental health issues (helloooo panic attacks) but I think they’re more on going rather than purely for summer!
I’m excited for this summer. My boyfriend is as much an adventurer as I am so hopefully we’ll have fun. He lives in a great area with some beautiful cities near by that I really want to visit. I am nervous about splitting time between him and Little Miss as I’m not prepared to take her to his yet however he is more than happy to come up at least once a month to see us.
I’ve tried to make the list balanced between stuff for me (which is a huge rarity) and stuff with Little Miss. She will have 6 weeks off over the summer which I want to make as fun as possible before she starts grown up school in September (I’m still not ready). The play dates one will be hard.. I have no friends in my hometown and struggle to make them, we miss Florida for this very reason where we both had a lot of friends but as we won’t be back until October I don’t want her to feel lonely while on school holiday. We do have a good time just the two of us but it would be nice if she could have some friends her own age in this country. But I’m ever hopeful. Just like I am for Disneyland Paris in August!

I’m the same with play dates. None of my friends have children yet so other than birthday parties my two don’t really have play dates.
Some really great goals for you both, you’ll have the best time!
Liz @distract_me
That sounds like a really good, balanced list! I hope that you all have a wonderful summer (how is it nearly summer already?!)
Liz x
Distract Me Now Please