20 Facts About My Disney Life Tag
Today while I was stressing over editing all my photos for future blog posts, I came up with the idea of a new tag, the 20 Facts About My Disney Life tag. Basically the basis of this tag is to share 20 facts about how Disney impacts on your life. There are no questions, you just share your facts with some photos then tag some other people to do it. I love reading facts about me tags as it gives you an insight into their lives, but I think I’d love reading Disney facts even more. It gives you a great prompt for conversation with other Disney bloggers and may even inspire them to share their own facts. That’s how a tag works, right?
So, here are my 20 facts.
1. I always wear something Disney every single day. Sometimes it’s something as little as my pants, or socks.. or even the Peter Pan brooch I have on my coat collar, othertimes it’s a sweater or t-shirt.
2. I collect Disney Pop Funkos, Traditions and art work. I don’t have very much of any of them but I’m working on it.
3. Growing up my favourite charactes were Wendy and Alice, not any of the princesses.
4. Aside from blogging, the only other hobby I have is Disney cosplay.
5. My favourite Disney Parks food is actually mac & cheese, closely followed by the Mickey red velvet cake pops.
6. One of my absolute favourite Disney songs is For The First Time in Forever, and I really don’t even like Frozen anymore.
7. The first time I ever set foot in a Disney Park was May 1997, it was MGM Studios. The first character I saw was Minnie Mouse in a red sequin dress with white feather bower.
8. Still to this day, my favourite ever Disney show was The Hunchback of Notre Dame one they had in MGM Studios.
9. If I could afford to theme every room in my house Disney, I would.
10. The first movie I ever saw at the cinema was the Disney version of Peter Pan, and to this day it remains on of my favourites.
11. I’ve worked out I’ve spent over £300 on Tsum Tsum’s for Little Miss, and I don’t even care because they make her happy.
12. I could never seriously date anyone who wasn’t okay with my love of Disney or the fact I like to frequent the parks often with Little Miss.
13. When I’m struggling to work or do house work I blast “When Will My Life Begin?” and sing really loudly. It never fails to motivate me.
14. Little Miss’ love for Peter Pan is my favourite thing in the whole world, mainly because it wasn’t something I expected or forced, it comes completely naturally to her.
15. I still have the Dumbo plush my dad bought me from WDW when I was 9, he sleeps beside my bed.
16. There is a woman who works in Costa that refers to me as “Ariel girl” behind my back. I only know this because she talked about me to my dad when he was telling her about my trip to WDW. He had the satisfaction of saying “that’s my daughter.”
17. One of my favourite things to do in life is lie on the hub grass in Magic Kingdom with a passion tea lemonade watching LM dance to Move It, Shake It.
18. I used to get really good at Disney Buzz when I was really drunk.
19. 90% of my friendships are formed on a mutual love of Disney, this includes the one with my best friend.
20. I’m so much happier with my blog since I started to blog more about Disney.

I love this 😀 I like finding other ‘adults’ like myself that freely admit they live a disney life. I enjoyed finding out more random facts about you 🙂
This is a brilliant new tag – I have a list longer than my arm of Disney tags I need to complete, some are finished and ready to post soon, others I’m only half way through, some not even started, but this one is definitely being added to the list!
I love all these facts, especially LM’s love for Peter Pan and your Ariel girl status 😀
Sian xx Disney Days
Heather Duff (@hross42)
I love this Disney tag and you obviously adore Disney!! I daren’t go near Tsum Tsum’s as I know I will get addicted but I am all ready happily addicted to Funko Pop’s!
I have a book blog but as I am planning my next visit to WDW I am trying going to start sneaking in some Disney posts amongst the books!