Little Miss Cosplays Part Six
Time for another installment of Little Miss Cosplays, today we’re looking at her Big Hero 6 inspired outfits! My daughter is a little bit weird, she loves BH6 way more than Frozen (don’t get me wrong, she loves to meet the sisters in person but she would never pick the movie over BH6). Her 4th birthday was even Big Hero 6 themed! I know a lot of it is to do with the fact it’s the first movie she ever saw at the cinema, but in my opinion, it is a far superior movie, it’s just a shame Disney cannot see that. Never mind! Despite the fact you can only meet Baymax now (where as last year she met Hiro too) and there is very little else related to the movie, she does have three BH6 outfits, a full Honey Lemon cosplay, a Hiro inspired dress and a Baymax 2.0 inspired outfit. I’m thankful a lot of my friends over there are still hugely into BH6 so they’re excited to bound with her.
So here they are;
First up, Honey Lemon. Little Miss loves Honey Lemon because she seems to like everything cute, just like LM. I think she looks adorable but I have to admit, I hate her not having a fringe. It makes her look far too grown up, and a little bit dorky, which of course is perfect for cosplaying Honey. The dress with the collar was handmade by Bee who runs Closet Geek and it was a last minute creation when the eBay store in China where I was going to buy one from closed for 2 weeeks meaning it wouldn’t arrive before we left. I guess that’s the best part of having a best friend who is also an ace seamstress! The glasses and hairband were left over from my Honey Lemon cosplay which is why they look quite big, but I couldn’t find child size glasses in the correct colour. The shoes are from her Minnie Mouse cosplay (which I don’t think has had a post yet looking back!) and the socks are some I picked up from eBay, the look a bit chunky because they have some crazy frill I have since chopped off. The Baymax is her own and unfortunately he won’t be coming out to WDW, he’s already far more dirty than I would like but since he talks there is no way I can safely wash him. Sadtimes. She also has a little plastic phone she likes to carry around an say “Everyone say HIRO!” then take a selfie. Her Honey Lemon really is on point.
Next up we have Baymax, which can be switched between standard and 2.0 mode. It’s the brain child again of Bee and is sold on Closet Geek (where as the other two featured in this post are custom orders. We’re all huge fans of Baymax but Bee didn’t think a lot of the dresses on the market are appropriate for little girls with where the eyes are placed so she came up with this and having them on the collar. Her daughter Lily came with us to a convention in Birmingham wearing it (when we were Honey Lemon and GoGo) and it was a huge hit. Ever since she saw it LM wanted it. I love the fit of it and the fact the jacket is removable although I do prefer it on as white is such a hard colour to keep clean for anyone, let alone a 4 year old. She also has a matching 2.0 bow, as well as regular Baymax bow, both of which are available on Closet Geek. Her shoes are from Livie and Luca and I bought them for our trip to Florida in September, they’re so perfect as they keep her toes safe when the park is busy. I blogged in detail about them last August and they’re still going strong!
Final outfit for today is her Hiro inspired outfit. It’s based on Hiro’s armor but since LM didn’t specifiy what she wantes as a “Hiro dress” for her birthday, we went with this and we both love it. It was another Closet Geek custom order but the Hiro bow is available on the Etsy store. Little Miss asked for a Hiro dress and a Hiro doll, but as of yet Disney hasn’t made a Hiro animator doll yet, but they need to get on that (she’ll take a Peter Pan one too). I cannot believe how grown up she looks here, so much sass in these photos mainly because we were talking about how she can’t meet Hiro anymore at Big Disney and that makes her sad. I love how the bow looks on the side of her head rather than the back, it’s kinda like a fascinator version of his helmet. Although we’re not taking her big Baymax plush, we may pack the Tsum Tsum’s for any weirdos who don’t get who she’s dressed as (I apologise if that’s you haha).
These dresses have all been ironed and laid into her case now, how exciting!

aww, what a little cutie your little girl is! I especially love the Baymax cosplay it’s really lovely! 🙂
I’m hoping when my niece gets a bit older she’s gonna love dressing up like this cause I’d buy her all sorts!
But as a 24 year old me and my OH especially enjoyed Big Hero 6 we really enjoyed it!
Katee x
OMG she looks so cute! Loving the Honey Lemon look! So adorable. And we love Big Hero 6!
All perfection as usual, her personality is shining through more and more!