Home Content // Hotpoint Ultima Fridge Freezer*
One of the signs that you’re reaching adulthood is when you actually get excited about new home appliances. It was funny how full my Twitter feed was of people excited about kettles, toasters, vacuums, washing machines in the days after Christmas. I guess we’re all growing up. All my life i’ve always had second hand appliances. I come from a huge family so there is always someone with a bit more money looking to upgrade while I get their old one. And hey, free or cheap is good expecially in your early twenties. But at some point you have to think of investing in something new (usually about the time you decide it’s time to insure your house contents!) Okay, it’s not as fun as walking into Topshop and blowing hundreds of pounds on a coat and a couple of pairs of jeans, but there are really some stunning pieces of tech on the market that it can be just as fun. Like the Hotpoint Ultimate Fridge Freezer;
My fridge freezer is so old that it doesn’t have the self defrost option so every few months you find me sat in front of the freezer with a few towels, a dish and a hair dryer. One day I hope to own one where I don’t have to do this! I’ love one with some glowing lights where you can keep an eye on the temperature not a dial that you constantly knock when you fill the thing up. Above all, I want bottle holders. It’s not even like we have a lot of wine.. but I do like to make my own lemonade and Little Miss drinks a lot of milk. A fancy fridge freezer is definitely a dream, just like an ara and a washer dryer, but I’ll get there one day!