5 UK Cities I Want to Visit in 2016*
Just because I like to travel abroad, doesn’t mean I’m any less interested in visiting places in my home country but with the rising cost of train fares (and the rubbish service they offer), if I don’t decide to go 3 months in advance, it ends up being cheaper to go abroad! However, with my love of conventions, I’m hoping this will encourage me to visit different places rather than the same over and over again. Not only that but there are some great places where you can book a UK city break for a great price, like Great Little Breaks, this would be a great way to take the planning out of my hands so I can really enjoy it.
So, if I can set myself a goal of visiting 5 new UK cities in 2016, these are the ones that are top of my list;
Despite living in the North East I have never in my whole life visited Durham and if there is anything I’d like to rectify this year, it’s this. Durham reminds me a lot of Lincoln, the city I went to university in with it’s cathedral and it’s set up. I pass it a lot on the train and it looks beautiful. I also hear there are some great places to eat, have afternoon tea and cute shops. Right up my street really. Because it’s so close I will probably be able to do this as a day trip rather than having to stay over.
Chester is a bit further a field so it’ll have to be an over night stay but it’s a city I have only briefly visited and therefore I do not count it since I was really hungover and don’t remember even being there. I know it has a decent zoo which would be a great place to take LM, and an aquarium. I would also love to see the cathedral and there is some great architecture that I’d enjoy. Over all the biggest draw for me is the fact it’s just a very pretty city.
Every year I say I’m going to take LM to Brighton and as of yet, it hasn’t happened. Although we live in a seaside town it’s not thriving and I don’t recommend anyone taking a holiday here but Brighton on the other hand. I would love for LM to have a classic seaside holiday and Brighton is definitely place to take it. There is so much for us to do and keep her amused. I have been down that way when I went camping in the New Forest a few years back but we went home before visiting Brighton so it’s really high on my places to visit in the UK despite it not being a city (so probably technically shouldn’t be in this list, but oh well!)
Again, I have visited Glasgow, kinda anyway.. as my parents drove through to take us to the airport, and one time to see Bon Jovi but we stayed on the outskirts. I know Glasgow seems like a weird pick but I hear the shopping is amazing and I really want to go to the Hard Rock Cafe up there. I love Scotland, and although I do really want to see more of the beautiful outdoors, I find cities much easier to amuse LM in while she’s still small. I know from other people there is a lot to do and see in Glasgow so it seems like a good place to go. Plus I can get a direct train from my town up there which is always a bonus when travelling with a small child.
Like with Chester, the draw for me is the fact Oxford is a pretty city but probably one I’d like to visit without Little Miss as I would want to visit the libraries, galleries and museums that she’s really not old enough to appreciate yet. I definitely want to visit Christ Church College because I’m a Harry Potter fan. There are also a lot of literary tours that would be of interest to me but not to a pre-schooler. I imagine a lot of walking would be involved so definitely somewhere to add to my list for the summer months.