Signs Your Body Is Getting Older, And What You Can Do About It*
I’m well aware that the big three-oh will creep up on me suddenly when I’m not expecting it. But the signs that I’ve passed the prime of twenty-one might already be creeping in. Today, it’s the odd grey hair. But tomorrow, it may be a wrinkle, an achy joint, or even thinning hair. Having a young child around certainly keeps me young in spirit so I’m not ready to let my body let me down.
There are many signs of ageing that can present themselves before you hit thirty. Odd grey hairs can start from any age after twenty-one. I’m not sure I would want to be pulling hairs out of my head just yet, but I wouldn’t say no to a new colour. Hair dye is the best way to cover up greys. But it’s the dullness of your own colour that may give away an impending big birthday. The vibrancy of your natural colour may start to fade as you get older. Give it a boost with a good colour pack.
Women’s hair also starts to thin as they pass the thirty mark. Those gorgeous puffy dos I’m partial to may have to come to an end. Fortunately, there are extensions and clip-ins for those special events. There are also some good hair shampoos and conditioners for older hair to help with volume.
As you get older, it is worth reviewing your hair and beauty products. Things that are fine for younger skin might not be appropriate when your skin ages. Skin loses its elasticity as you get older. That frown line might deepen and become a permanent wrinkle. You can prevent it with anti wrinkle injections. Something tells me prevention might be better than the cure for that kind of thing.
Other ways you can help prevent the signs of age creeping up on you too fast is to stay fit and healthy. I don’t want to be finding getting on the floor to play with Little Miss too uncomfortable. Running around with her and rolling about on the carpet are what makes my life complete! Things like Omega 3 from fish oils, and stretching every day, are supposed to stave off the aches and pains in your muscles and joints. I guess if you don’t use it you lose it.
There are also some superfoods out there that are thought to combat the signs of ageing. Eating nuts and using olive oil are thought to add years to your life expectancy. Well, I’m not thirty yet, so I guess I’m not thinking about old age just yet. But to hear that avocados keep my fertility going for a little longer is welcome news. I don’t know that I will have any more children, but I don’t want to know that I can’t.
Getting older and ageing is inevitable. But it seems you can look as young as you feel with a few little cheats along the way. I know I can’t stay young forever, but I would like to be young. Perhaps all that is a mindset.