In Retrospect – Three
Little Miss turned three two weeks ago. I can’t believe two weeks has passed already, but they have been a mentally exhausting two weeks, which is why I’m only up to posting this now. Despite everything that happened, Little Miss had a perfect birthday, a birthday fit for the princess she is. There was cake, laughter and love, everything a little three year old needed. Rather than being an incredibly wordy post which is what I normally go for in celebration of my daughter being another year older, I’m going to share photos from our two days of celebrating. This year no letter, no round up of how she’s grown is needed. I think over the past two birthday posts (see Two) we’ve established how tough the start of her life was but how much closer that has made us, we all know she is my whole world. Her birthday this year came at another tough time of my life, but her very presence helped me through, she’s a beacon of hope, she’s my angel.
The night before her birthday is always a whole load of prep. I baked 24 cupcakes for her to take to nursery. They were just vanilla with vanilla icing but still, all handmade. Then there was her cake that I actually started the evening before. It was a three layer with whipped cream and blackcurrent jam filling, I used one of my own recipes but without the lemon. Then I had to make the meringue frosting twice because the first time it split. Thankfully I was organised on the wrapping front so I was only required to put up banners and lay out her gifts and balloons. In the end the only things she asked for was the Frozen cake and some balloons, bless.
As usual on LM’s birthday I had to wake her once it got to about 8:30. She is just like me and hates getting up unless she’s allowed to wake herself but after a gentle reminder that she had balloons, cake and gifts downstairs I could persuade her to come down. We spent a good hour opening her gifts before breakfast. Then she got dressed and wanted all her toys opened to play with. Her favourite was an Anna Animation Doll from the Disney Shop. She played happily until lunch and then she had nursery for 3 hours. After nursery she came to my mum’s to open her gifts and cards from the family before we took her to Mcdonalds for a birthday treat with my sister, her partner and my nephew. We had a really lovely dinner time and it cheered my mum up. Although her day was unconventional compared to her last two birthdays, it was really lovely and I know LM enjoyed herself. Not jut because we managed to spread some celebrating over to the next day
Thank you to everyone who wished Little Miss happy birthday, each message and comment on social media was really appreciated. It’s amazing to know my daughter is so loved
The day after her birthday tea party, my Grandpa passed away. I fully believe he purposely held on until all her celebrations were over. My grandfather loved LM so much, he adored her and she brought him so much happiness. He would never have wanted to spoil her special day in any form. I’m so thankful every year her birthday will not be a reminder of who we lost, but will continue to be her special day, just as her Big Gramps would have wanted.
Baby girl I can’t believe you’re three already, I’m so lucky to be your mummy. Hope you had a lovely few days.

Lauren | Belle du Brighton
She’s just so sweet, and such a lucky girl to have a mummy who can bake such gorgeous cakes!
Collette R
What a lucky little girl to have a mama who loves her so much. I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and the love you have for her just shines through.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather, it’s always sad when a loved one passes away. But at least you have some lovely memories of him and your daughter, and stories to pass on to her. My own grandfather is unwell at the moment, and I’ve been taking so many photos of him and my son the last few weeks, just in case. I think it’ll be really important to remember the good times though.
OMG that is the coolest Frozen party ever . This would be my dream come true if I were 5 again hehe xox
Love you both!