Moving out of your home with your parents and into student accommodation has to be one of the most exciting parts of going to university. After all, you’ll get to do pretty much whatever you like with no one to answer to, and can concentrate on having fun living independently without having to worry about things like bills as these are generally covered by most companies.
However, it can feel a little daunting before you go, and if you are heading to halls soon, if you go with a few tricks up your sleeve you’re sure to have an amazing experience. We’ve put some tips together for things to help you on your way.
Be respectful of your new housemates
You will no doubt be living with people who are really different from you, from different backgrounds and places. It’s important to respect your new housemates from the get-go to ensure you all get on really well. Some people may want different things from their halls experience and may have varied living requirements. Chat with them and get to know if there are any special requirements they have so you can all know and learn how to work with them.

Make sure you are looking after yourself
Fresher’s flu is a curse that is very much real, and it can occur if you don’t look after yourself properly, especially in those first few exciting weeks of moving into halls. As well as having fun, make sure you’re looking after yourself by eating a good diet, getting enough sleep and rest and drinking plenty…of water! There are some useful
tips for student wellbeing here.
Try and establish a few rules early on
You’ll have everything you need in your
Urbanest student accommodation in London, but when it comes to things like food and cleaning supplies, you’re in charge. You could establish a rota of certain things early on that can be communal which is not only a great way to save money and avoid wastage, but also to help you bond too. Also, halls life can get pretty crazy at times, but if there are things you need from your housemates (such as quiet time during the early hours etc) voice them respectfully and light-heartedly early on to avoid any drama along the way.
Spend some time getting to know your neighbours
As well as your actual house or flat mates, there will be loads of other students around you in the different blocks and it can be a great idea to get to know the wider circle. Host parties or just casual nights in at your flat and invite others round so you can all get to know each other. This is great if you’re not too sure of your actual house mates, too.
Relax and have fun!
You don’t have to worry about things like making life-long friends in the first week or so of living in halls, and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself if you initially find living away from home tough either. It’s a huge transition that keeps evolving; it’s different all the time so just go with it, relax and have fun!