How to Get Away With Monday Blues?*
It’s Monday- when the feeling of Sunday starts fading and the anxiety of Monday kicks in! Yes, we’ve all felt that lack of motivation and passion. Sure, there are many articles on the web that talk about beating Monday blues but not many seem to be effective! So, here are 5 real ways that will actually help you fight Monday blues
First Things First
One major problem is waking up early. Most of us find it difficult to wake up early or at least on time. The best thing to do is sleep early. No kidding, but this is the most apt solution to be considered and not just consider but also apply! So, while Sunday is a rest day, its best to shoot to bed as early as 10 p.m. Make this a habit and you will definitely not need an alarm clock to wake you up and it will also make you feel positive all day long.
Do What You Love
As soon as you wake up, do what you love the most. Be it swimming, running or simply watching TV or playing online bingo. Just do it! This will add a purpose to your life and you wont be in a dilemma thinking if its really worth it! Even if its gaming, well.. its worth it.
Look Your Best
Doesn’t mean you put on all the fancy stuff unless that’s your best! Dress up simple and accessorize yourself a bit. Keep the attitude of new day, new look. Looking good is the best way to cheer up yourself and stay positive and happy throughout the day.
Treat Yourself
If you’re planning on doing some spending, try to make that happen on a Monday as it can definitely life your spirit. If you’ve had your eye on some new magic clothing, then press that add to basket button on a Monday. Then you can watch for the postman delivering your new magic shirt or zodiac shirt hopefully arriving later on in the week. So that’s not just your Monday improved, but the rest of the week too.
Plan Up Something Nice for the Day
Be it spending time with your partner, family or friends, plan up something for the day. If you’re working, go according to your schedule. This will make you look forward to the day rather than wishing it never came. Also, the thought of doing something good will lighten up your mood and thus, will help in making all the Mondays, blues free.
Watch Cute Animals Videos
Research has proven us that watching cute animal videos makes you happy. It improves your mood and energy levels. This releases the happy syndrome thus making you feel good about everything and also increase your productivity.
So, say hello to Monday and don’t forget to be awesome!