• Life,  Travel

    Days Out in England – Quentin Blake: Inside Stories at Laing Art Gallery

    Despite being ill on Tuesday, Little Miss and I had a day away to Newcastle, just the two of us. We’d been offered complimentary tickets to the Quentin Blake: Inside Stories at the Laing Art Gallery, and being a huge Blake fan, I just had to go. So we hopped on an early train (train tickets having been bought using my Nectar points) and headed down to the city for a few hours. After a morning of shopping and a terrible lunch, I was feeling all but defeated but thankfully the exhibit was lovely and well worth the trip for. I know what you’re thinking, an art gallery with a…

  • Life,  Travel

    Exploring the North East – Barter Books

    At the moment Little Miss and I have a friend from the US staying with us meaning we’ve been off on adventures every single day. She’s an Anglophile and love all things quintessentially British which is great because I live in a rather historic part of town. We’ve walked miles every day and my legs are aching but it’s been great and I’ve really enjoyed being a tourist in the county I call home. I don’t plan on staying here forever, so it’s been great letting Little Miss explore! Yesterday we took a bus down to the historic market town of Alnwick to Barter Books. This is somewhere I’ve wanted…

  • Parenting

    Fun Outdoor Activities to Try this Summer with Kids*

    We’re just starting the third week of the summer holidays and according to my mum, the hot weather it on it’s way (I’ll believe it when I see it) so I’m still hanging onto my plans to try and do as much as possibly outdoors with Little Miss. She spends way too much time playing indoors due to cold weather or because we’ll be heading out to pre-school at some point in the day. I have a huge list of some ideas I have and I thought i’d share these with you today. Please let me know if you have anymore! Go for a picnic One of the simplest activities…

  • Uncategorized

    #181 Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

      From my front door I can see the sea. To some people this is such an amazing thing but I grew up in a village on the sea front and it did have a lot more cons than pros. For starters, it wasn’t always sunny. I live on the North East coast right next to Scotland which means even in the height of summer it’s often pretty cool, windy and we’ve even been known to have a thick covering of fog on the days the weather man claims everywhere else is enjoying the hottest day of the year! Also, the smell. That salty smell is not something you want…