• Life

    Why My Cat is Helping My Insomnia

    Last January I shared my experience with insomnia. A quick recap is that it’s something i’ve dealt with since I was thirteen and it usually raises it’s ugly head when i’m stressed or worried.. but sometimes it’s just there. I’ve always found it stressful in itself which usually gets me stuck in a loop of worried and stressed in case I can’t sleep results in being unable to sleep. It also seems to be more prominent at this time of year for reasons unknown and I do take medication for it, but sometimes it doesn’t help. And I have even tried more alternative methods to help me sleep, such as…

  • Life

    De-Stressing Sunday

    I never edit my photos in such a way, filters just don’t feel very honest. However, since i’m not reviewing anything or showing anything off, I thought i’d stick a filter on these photos as it sort of reflects the kind of day I’ve had. As I mentioned in my new years post, I want to try and get on top of my insomnia and anxiety. As of yet, this hasn’t happened in the slightest. In fact, since the new year began it’s been getting worse. Last night I had an early night planned but when I went to bed I couldn’t sleep until 4am.. and then I had two…