• Parenting

    Back to School

    Tomorrow it’ll be a year to the day since Little Miss started Primary School. Today we walked hand in hand back to school for her to start Year 1. Summer went two fast, for both of us. We love being together, just the two of us and every day we grow even closer than I ever thought possible. Even though you’re no longer the youngest year at school, you still looked so small as you stood in line with all your peers. Maybe it’s the uniform that I deliberately bought to last the year, or maybe it’s the genetics on my mum’s side that means you’ll always be on the…

  • Life,  Parenting

    Little Miss’ Last Day of Pre-School

    Well today was a big day, one I’ve been dreading but one Little Miss has been so excited about. After three & a half years Little Miss has said goodbye to her nursery and pre-school as she gets ready to make the huge leap to primary school! I cannot believe I had a daughter whom is old enough to start school in September. I remember the first time I held her and she was tiny, starting school seemed so far into the future yet it’s now only 7 weeks away. I’m not ready, but I know she is and she said goodbye to the staff and some of her friends…