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Looking Back on February 2016

I think is the first time I’ve ever said that February felt as long as January.. well except the few days we spent at Bee’s and celebrated my unbirthday and the few days I spent in Disneyland Paris.. the rest of the time has dragged but I only know it’s because I’ve been so excited for March! March, the month I spend the majority of time out of the country.. of course I’m excited and it’s finally here! One week today and we’ll be on our way to Florida for 4 glorious weeks! But anyway, back to February.. following on from Looking Back on January post from last month, here is a round up of some of my best posts;

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Parenting Blog What Little Miss Read - January 2016 The Great Big Sleep Sean Julian

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Parenting Blog Little Miss Cosplays Perla Mouse Dress Jaq Gus

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Parenting Blog Little Miss Cosplays Honey Lemon 2

So parenting, I shared some books that Little Miss read in January, The Great Big Sleep is an absolute must for little kids. I also revisited my Little Miss Cosplays series, first post was all about her Cinderella inspired outfits and then we moved onto Big Hero 6 inspired outfits.. Honey Lemon seemed to be a huge hit and is now my dad’s newest nickname for her. Personally I love her in her Cinderella gown, she truly looks like the princess she is.

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Blog Things I'm Looking Forward to Doing in Disneyland Paris

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Blog Things I'm Looking Forward to Doing in Disneyland Paris Rides

My Disney posts consisted of a look at our first day traditions in Walt Disney World, it stemed from a discussion on Twitter with some Disney Bloggers to keep me going when I was ill and it gave me the idea to write the blog post. I cannot wait for our first day next week, I plan to make it the most magical ever. I also blogged about things I was looking forward to in Disneyland Paris, the strange thing is I didn’t even do half of these things as I was too busy spending time with Little Miss and my friend Grant. We did manage to meet Peter Pan and Wendy twice, and she had a really magical time with them both. Newport Bay was also a wonderful hotel to stay in and we did catch both new offerings of entertainment, The Forest of Enchantment was amazing and I will be reviewing it soon and we saw Merida ride Angus down Main Street.

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Parenting Walt Disney World - First Day Traditions Carousel

Cocktails in Teacups Disney Life Travel Parenting Walt Disney World - First Day Traditions Mickey and Minnie FoF

For travel this month I looked at what I was packing in my hand luggage for our flight. My hand lugguage these days is so different to what I used to pack when I travelled alone, it’s all about what can keep my kid occupied for 3 hours at the airport and then 9 hours on the plane. Not only that but since I’m working while away this time, I need to take my laptop, external hard drive and camera equipment. Lets just say my back is going to hurt!

How did your February look?

Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. I appreciate all comments & will check out any links to blogs. It's my readers that often make my day! - Amy x