
3 Things To Do Before Making an Expensive Purchase Online*

‘Tis the season to do a lot of shopping online, and some of that may be some rather expensive choice items as Christmas presents, or even for yourself (that’s what sale shopping is for, right?) Clicking “buy” on something that costs a lot of your hard earned cash can be daunting and perhaps you’re like me and worry you’re being ripped off, or worse. So here are 3 things to do before making that expensive purchase online;


Read The Reviews
Before making any extravagant purchase anywhere, you should always read the reviews. We’re lucky that in this day and age you have millions of reviews at your fingertips. This means the hardest part is sifting through them to find what you want. Say you wanted to find reviews of smart watches, there are so many on the market that it’s hard to pin point exactly what you want, thankfully Super Watches has you covered. For example, all reviews for Garmin ladies watches are all in one place. Same for other brands such as Apple and Fitbit.

And don’t just read the product reviews, read the website reviews especially if you’re looking to purchase off the beaten track. Make sure the website itself is reliable and ensure the terms and conditions align with what you’re paying for.

Pay with a Credit Card
When I started to book my own holidays, one of the most valuable pieces advice I was ever given was ensure you pay for it using a credit card rather than a debit card or cash. Why? Because there is legal protection that surrounds credit card payments if the company goes bust or doesn’t deliver what was promised. You can see why that is good for booking holidays especially with Thomas Cook going bust in the last few months. It’s also good for buying expensive items online. Some companies will try and weasel out of replacements or repairing damaged goods due to some hidden clause in their terms and conditions (it happened to my dad just recently) but if you paid with credit card you can claim it back as you weren’t delivered what was promised. It’s always worth bearing this in mind when paying for items over the £100 mark.

Use a Cash Back Website
Finally, ending on a more positive note, don’t forget to use a cash back website such as TopCashback before making your purchase. At this time of year there are loads of additional offers for higher percentages of cash back when making a purchase. At the end of the day, it’s better to have the extra savings in your pocket than in the big companies! I’ve used it so many times this Christmas and it’s going to be great to be able to put that money towards our big holiday next year!

Paying for someone expensive over the Internet doesn’t need to be scary, although there are scams to be wary of (always check who the sender is before clicking a link in your emails) there are plenty of ways to have a safe and enjoyable online shopping experience!


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