6 Bed Bugs Facts That You Should Know To Prevent Them*
Whether or not you have dealt with bed bugs, the mere thought of this creepy crawlies is enough to scare you. The reason is that despite their tiny size, they spell major trouble for any homeowner. They can bite you, cause skin problems and give you sleepless nights. To make things worse, they are tough to get rid of. What’s more, you may not even know where to start looking for them if you suspect an infestation in your living space. Knowing bed bugs well enough is the first thing to do if you want to protect your home against them. Let us list some facts about these pesky intruders that you must know to prevent them altogether.
Fact #1: They don’t just live in your bed
It is easy to believe that bed bugs infest your bed because they are. But the fact is that an infestation can happen almost everywhere in your home. They can hide anywhere, in nooks and crannies, inside drawers and cupboards, under the rugs, behind the curtains and inside your living room couch. If you are a frequent traveler, they may even live inside your luggage and travel along with you. You will be surprised to know that they usually come home from hotel rooms and infested homes and you carry them yourself.
Fact #2: They cannot fly
It is easy to believe that bed bugs fly because they are likely to be everywhere if you have an infestation. However, the truth is that they cannot fly because they do not have wings. They cannot even jump, let alone fly. Rather, they crawl from one place to another and gradually reach every corner of your living space. They can also cling to clothes or your pet’s hair or skin and reach from one place to another.
Fact #3: They are active day and night
Bed bugs are believed to be nocturnal creatures that reside in mattresses and come out to bite when you are asleep. Jordan Larson from Custom Bed Bug explains that though many people believe that bed bugs will only come out at night, they are actually known to come out during the day as well. It is just that they prefer to come out in the heat that comes from a sleeping body. But don’t consider yourself safe during the day because they will bite if the conditions are favorable to come out.
Fact #4: Having bed bugs does not mean that your place is dirty
The common assumption is that you have them if your place is dirty. For this reason, people tend to blame themselves if they get an infestation. But this is not necessarily true because they even live in clean and tidy spaces. Some of the cleanest homes have them just because they get carried from hotel rooms or an acquaintance’s place. Still, clearing out clutter is a good idea if you have an infestation and want to get rid of them for good.
Fact #5: The best way to handle them is by a professional extermination
You may get different kinds of advice from your friends and colleagues for getting rid of bed bugs. But these can be just quick fixes and not permanent solutions. The best way to address an infestation and clear it out for good is by seeking professional extermination services. They use the right kind of treatment and equipment to get the pests out from every single hiding place. Further, their experience enables them to trace bed bugs from even the places you could have never imagined. When you’re ready to hire, your best bet is https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/ as they really know to handle this sort of thing and give you advice on ensuring it doesn’t happen again.
Fact #6: Bed bug bites are usually painless
The most common reason why bed bugs often go undetected is that their bites are usually painless. In fact, most people will not even react to it (though some with sensitive skin may get rashes). This is because a bed bug’s saliva contains an anesthetic, which minimizes the chances of pain. So you can still have them even if there are no visible bed bug bites and itching on your skin. A periodic check for bed bugs is still a good idea for every homeowner.
These common facts about bed bugs clarify much about these pesky intruders. You should probably be more vigilant and check the places where you don’t expect them to be. Also, having a regular examination of your home by experts keeps you protected to a considerable extent. The earlier you address them, the fewer are the chances of getting a major infestation in your living space.