5 Ways to Make That School Run Easier*
This week, all over the country, parents will be starting up their morning routine as kids head back to school. Prior to becoming a mother myself I had no idea just how important and stressful those few hours in the morning can be, especially if you child doesn’t want to get up and get ready (that is mine pretty much every morning). I don’t know about anyone else but it feels like a military mission before 9am!
Anyway, this is my forth year doing the school run and I’ve picked up some ways to make it easier and quicker which I’m going to share with you today.
Get Up Early
I’m not going to lie, it took me a long time to get into the routine of getting up earlier than 8am. LM has always preferred to sleep in so when she started school it was such a chore. Now I can’t sleep past 7am, sometimes even 6am. My body is a finely tuned machine in the morning even during school holidays! Getting up early was a game changer. I get up first, get dressed or showered then dressed, drink coffee all before I drag her butt (not literally of course) out of bed. Then while she gets dressed I can make breakfast and her packed lunch. Although I’ve been up since just after 7am, I swear it’s 8:30 before I know it and it’s time to go. That time goes fast so by getting up early you will have everything done before it’s time to leave.
Don’t Turn on the TV
Do not fall into the TV trap if you expect your kid to be ready at the door when it’s time to leave. For the first few months I’d come running down the stairs at 8:30 and find LM still in her pjs holding a spoon or cereal half way to her mouth while she stares at the TV. She isn’t even watching it! Just zoned out! Since banning all TV in the morning she can no get herself completely ready and be standing at the door bags in hand at the right time. Morning kids TV is a trap to make parents late, I am sure of it!
Lay Out Everything the Night Before
Another way to ensure you kid does their bit before the school run, lay everything out the night before. For some reason kids are less awake at 7:30am on a school day than they are on the weekend when they’re jumping into your bed.. it’s a fact. They need a little direction. I have LM’s uniform laid out on the back of the sofa, her shoes, coat and bag by the door and her hairbrush and toothbrush ready to go once she comes down. It makes everything ten times faster and you don’t have the “muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum where is xyz” while you’re scrubbing your own teeth.
Invest in a Reliable Family Car
Right, now the actual “running” part of the school run. Modes of transport. Invest in a reliable car like a Land Rover. There is plenty of space for multiple children, car seats and all the bags. They’re great on all terrains and in all weathers. They’re also long lasting and hardy so you won’t go out to start it one morning in the middle of winter to find it won’t start. I don’t know about your kid’s school but LM’s would definitely not take “the car wouldn’t start” as an excuse for lateness. A reliable family car is a great investment when you’re a parent because lets face it, you are a glorified taxi until they learn to drive themselves. And if you do run into some car trouble, spare parts for the cult brand Land Rover you get online at AUTODOC.CO.UK so you won’t be stuck for long.
Be Ready for All Weather
Finally, be ready for all weather. Have a shovel, some salt and de-icer ready for those winter morning and ensure you leave enough time to get your car ready to drive before leaving. If you don’t drive make sure you can walk or catch a bus in rain and snow. Have some wellies and winter boots, water proof coats and umbrellas to hand. In the summer have sun hats and sun cream ready to put on before you start walking. We live in England, anything could happen when it comes to the weather!
Of course, the short version of this article is the best way to make the school run easier in the morning is to be prepared for anything, and to leave enough time to avert all disasters that could happen between waking up and delivering your child safely through the school gates. And if you manage that every morning, well you deserve another cup of coffee.