
Dressing Against the Norm — What Does it Say About You?*

From eccentric socks to dressing against our gendered expectations, many people push the limits of social norms when it comes to fashion because after all, what is fashion if you aren’t expressing your true self? Research has also shown that those who don’t conform are viewed as being of a higher status and more competent than those who follow the rules of fashion. Just look at celebrities who dress outside the box! Today we’re taking a look at what different clothing says about the wearer…

Against Gendered Expectations

The line is becoming increasingly blurred between male and female especially in y2k clothing. Many people are speaking up, opposing the ideas that men and women should be dressed according to their sex and you can see this in the way models are presented on the runways during Fashion Week. But, are you presenting yourself in a different way when you dress against the gendered expectations?

Even though fashionistas are saying that they don’t agree with gender rules, there is still some research that suggests we’re still stuck in our old ways and psychologists in New Jersey have found that attitudes towards gender stereotypes actually haven’t changed much between 1983 and 2014. Even though we see celebrities going against gendered expectations and it being almost acceptable it doesn’t appear to be the case for the every day person. And if you want to do the same, be sure to seak out a y2k clothing store.

There is an argument that shows that it’s favourable for women to cross the gender barrier for example swapping dresses for trousers but perhaps not men. Back in 1990, it was found that  if the clothing that they wore was more masculine, they were more likely to be hired but if men dressed in pink (a colour commonly associated with females), they were seen as less intelligent than women who were wearing the same colour.

Eccentric Wear

Another way of going against the grain when it comes to style is through eccentric clothing. When we think of outrageous outfits we may think of people with brightly coloured hair, patterned clothing and over the top jewellery. But, there are other ways to express freedom through dress that don’t even go as far as wearing clashing colours and textures. Such bright pink baby tees under bright red blazers.

For example, people who wear interesting socks are viewed as being rebellious and expressive. One of these people is Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, who shows off his fun side by wearing funky socks with a traditional suit. You can make your own subtle ‘eccentric’ changes through patterned socks by CT shirts, online retailers of a great men’s white shirt collection and accessories. Or make yourself stand out from the crowd through bright scarves or ties. By dressing against the norms, studies have shown that you come across as being gutsy, brilliant, creative and successful.

Not only does it affect people’s perceptions of you but it can also affect the way you think, feel and act — this is through ‘embodied cognition’. Since eccentric dress gives you greater potential to express your individuality, it’s possible that it can make you feel more confident and comfortable in different situations. This could then go on to improve your performance at work or in challenges where you want to push yourself. It’s why a lot of artists choose eccentric wear, such as Elton John.

Against The Dress Code

In some situations, for example, a job interview, it can be argued that dressing in accordance with expectations is the best thing to do. However, under some circumstances, we think that people with extraordinary appearances are more successful.

Men who wear smart, fitted suits as they are often expected to wear in a formal situation, were perceived as being more confident, successful and thought to be earning a higher wage. This was compared to men who weren’t dressed as smartly — in a loosely fitted suit.

In some environments, wearing your set uniform can improve your productivity. Research found that in a lab, those who were wearing lab coats felt smarter and went on to perform better! This is one of the reasons schools in the UK feel that a uniform helps the performance of their students.

As we can see, dressing against societies expectations can have many effects on the opinion of others and your own performance and it’s not always a positive effect, and although it’s important to express yourself through dress, you don’t want to hinder your work or your impression on others in formal situations. Perhaps wear a pair of crazy socks underneath your day-to-day outfit instead!

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