5 Healthy Food and Drink Trends You Need to Know for 2025*
New year, new you, right? It’s not for everyone. In fact, I find January’s far too stressful to try healthy eating with trying to balance money, my tax return and my daughter’s birthday right at the end! But I want to get into a healthy mindset in February so I’m already researching what I need to know about healthy food and drink trends in 2025;
Healthy Drinking
And for once I mean alcohol. Usually being more health conscious and calorie counting doesn’t go well with a taste for liquor… However, 2025 is looking at a new trend of healthy drinking. This allows us to drink and be sociable without consuming extra calories. The low-calorie option amongst alcoholic drinks has been a rising segment for many years and will continue to grow as more people monitor what we eat and drink. There is already low-calorie beer available and it is likely that low-calorie cocktails could be the next big thing. Can we expect vegetable-infused cocktails in 2025? Who says you can’t mix vodka into your smoothies?
Rise in Mushrooms
This special ingredient is finding a place on supermarket shelves in other ways — through hair and skincare products. I’m someone who has only just started liking mushrooms, and they have to be well cooked and finely chopped so I’m not sure how I feel about putting them on my hair. Different species of mushrooms are chosen for their varying properties — for example shiitake mushrooms are known for their richness in antioxidants and high vitamin D content, and the reishi mushroom is selected for its anti-inflammatory properties, both of which make them great in skincare. Research has often revealed that mushrooms are great for assisting in anti-stress and anti-cancer treatements. Without a doubt they’re going to be the big food thing in 2018. Be prepared for mushroom infused coffee, it’s coming.
You what? People are enjoying the best of both worlds with a flexitarian diet — primarily vegetarian with meat and fish occasionally. Although almost 99% eat a vegetarian or vegan diet for ethical reasons, a lot of people aren’t eating enough of what their body needs and are becoming sick and because of this 2018 could see many people moving to a “flexitarian” diet.
Plant-Based Protein
In recent years, we have seen a rise in the number of people turning vegetarian and vegan. In fact, the number of vegans in the UK has risen by 350% in the past decade. Because of this finding protein in other forms rather than meat has become increasingly popular. This year we are expecting to see an increase of garden plant based proteins to support healthy diets and act as workout fuel. One of the newest forms of this is pea protein which has many benefits including its neutral taste.
This may include seeing more of plant-based ‘meat’, such as the innovation that Leonardo DiCaprio has invested in called Beyond Meat. This could come in the form of burgers or fried food. Expect to see other indulgent food too, such as extravagant vegan desserts.
Domestic Produce
Keen and amateur gardeners are heading to their back yards to plant their own vegetables and it’s expected that this trend will continue with Brexit on the horizon and the uncertainty of trade regulations and costs. Brexit is already changing our views on food shopping. In April 2023, one in five said that they were more likely to buy British food after leaving the EU to support the economy. However, this was dependent on pricing, and if prices rise, many will go for cheaper alternatives.
To go along with your healthy eating habits, you might feel like you want to invest in some new workout shirts. Having the right gym shirts or gym shirts women can actually make you feel better while you work out. And there is no point having a healthy diet if you’re not pairing it with the correct work out for your age, trust me, I know!