Healthy Living in Mind? Say a Yes to Foods that Aim to Reduce Weight*
Losing weight while eating healthy food may sound impossible. However, it isn’t unimaginable provided you follow a right diet plan. Weight loss is challenging – you need to decrease your total calorie intake by around 500 calories per day. This equates to about 1,300 calories per day, depending upon your height, weight, and physical activity.
The best foods for weight loss are high in nutrition and low in calories – supporting your overall health. If you’re looking for tasty and healthy food for weight loss, then you’ve arrived at the right place.
In this article, we will discuss the most weight-loss-friendly food which can satisfy your cravings while keeping your calories under check. So, let’s dive in:
Spaghetti Squash
Everybody loves pasta, right? But did you know that it contains gluten that causes issues for those who are gluten-sensitive? This type of noodle doesn’t contain any fibre and micronutrients. Such diets can affect your health as they are stored in your liver and fatty tissues for a longer period of time. And, these increase your weight, which in turn affects health tremendously.
Alternatively, you can try spaghetti squash – an excellent source of Vitamin A and potassium. It contains only 40 calories per cup which is 75% fewer calories than pasta. Start your weight loss journey with spaghetti squash and you will see instant results.
Couscous is a North African dish that is made from crushed durum wheat and is popularly known as the ideal dish for weight loss. It swells in the stomach, which means you will fill up more quickly and tend to eat less. Research says that the herbs and spices for couscous can boost your body’s ability to burn fat and curb your appetite. Herbs like green ginger lemon, virgin olive oil, etc., are fresh, tasty, and healthy which makes the dish perfect to have for an appetizer.
A cup of oatmeal delivers the same amount of protein as eggs. Scientists have discovered that oatmeal is the best for breakfast as it lowers hunger ratings, greater fullness, and fewer calories eaten at the next meal.
To get more fiber, you can put some chia seeds and berries on your oatmeal. However, try to avoid sugar and fattening syrup.
All nuts, including pistachios, contribute a lot to losing weight. They are rich in fiber and proteins. Pistachios are the lowest-calorie nuts, which include 160 calories per serving.
Research says that these nuts can protect your body from diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, and improve cholesterol levels. Eating them two or more times per week can reduce the risk of weight gain.
Green Tea
A cup of green tea can do wonders for your waistline. It is known to be thermogenic and contains antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps to boost metabolism.
Green tea also contains some amount of caffeine which can help you in weight loss if drunk before exercise. Still not convinced? According to research by the University Of Birmingham, men who took green tea before a workout burned fat by 17% more than those who didn’t. So, be sure to sip green tea regularly before hitting the gym.
Fatty fish like Salmon can satisfy your cravings while keeping you full for hours. It is rich in protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients. This nutrient is necessary for proper thyroid function which can help boost metabolism.
Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which plays a crucial role in obesity and metabolic disease. Fatty fishes, including mackerel, trout, sardines, herring, and others are excellent for weight loss.
Avocados are unique fruits that are rich in carbs, potassium, and healthy fats. It contains a lot of water and fiber, making them less energy-dense than you may think.
Those who ate avocados for breakfast or lunch were less likely to eat during the rest of the day. Avocados help stimulate leptin – our appetite-suppressing hormone – which helps us feel full and satisfied.
Grapefruit is an ideal fruit to consume if you’re starting your weight loss journey. According to research, eating half a fresh grapefruit before meals can lead to a weight loss of 1.6 KG. The chemical properties of grapefruit decrease insulin levels and encourage weight loss.
Apart from weight loss, grapefruit contributes a lot to our overall health. For example, it plays a vital role in controlling obesity.
Garlic is well-known for reducing body weight among people with non-alcoholic fatty liver acid (NAFLD). It supports blood-sugar metabolism and controls lipid levels in the body.
Garlic also contributes to making our immune system healthy, fights inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and eliminates heart diseases. So, consider adding it to your next meal to unleash the benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Consuming apple cider vinegar each day can reduce belly fat, lower blood pressure, and enhance waist circumference. Studies show those who consumed apple cider vinegar over three months lost 2.6 pounds.
So, add a tablespoon or two of this calorie, fat, and sugar-free stuff in your next meal and attain a sigh of relief with weight loss.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, etc., are good sources for weight loss and lower the risk of cancer and reduce inflammation.
These vegetables are simple to include in your meal. You can use them as the hearty base for meal-prep salads or as a low-carb swap for grains, or mix them into smoothies.
Parmesan Cheese
Cheese isn’t known for weight loss but calcium-rich parmesan when eaten in moderation, can do wonders to your body. It contains amino acid tyrosine which encourages the brain to release dopamine without any unhealthy insulin spikes
Parmesan cheese can lead to weight loss and boost metabolism at the same time.
Blueberries are known for burning fat – especially belly fat. It contains high water content and is lower in sugar than other fruits without compromising sweetness. Also, their high antioxidant content can help you stay healthy.
The Bottom Line
Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help you reduce weight without compromising your health. The number of calories you need per day depends on whether you want to gain or lose weight.
Making a few changes in your diet and lifestyle may help you lose weight and improve your health. After all, it’s about losing a little and living more!