5 Reasons to Move to Cardiff*
Since turning 30 I’ve been thinking it’s time for a change. Maybe I should change my hair, paint the bathroom or try a new holiday routine. Or maybe I need to finally up-sticks and move.
I currently live in a small town that doesn’t have much going for it and I really miss the city living on a daily basis. But deciding where to relocate to is difficult. As much as I’d love to head abroad I know it’s not realistic so I’ve been making a list of a few places that appeal. While doing my research one place popped up that i’ve never considered before, Cardiff. Of course I’d need to check out schools in Cardiff as one of the main reasons I want to move is to give LM a better education but here are 5 other reasons why I’m tempted to move to Cardiff;
It’s Small
I’ve lived in two cities during my adult life, one large, Newcastle and one small, Lincoln. I definitely preferred life in the small city. A small city provides all the services of a large city but on a much smaller and easier to navigate level. I don’t drive so being able to walk and use public transport is a must and that is something that would be easy in a small city like Cardiff. But there are also proper cinemas (rather than the one screen multi purpose theatre we have here), restaurants, shops, schools and amenities.
It’s Beautiful
I have to live somewhere that is cultural. It’s what I miss most from living in the city. I need to live somewhere with a buzz, with history and is enjoyable to explore. I loved Newcastle, but I felt like it was very urban with little green and a lot of buildings. Cardiff is architecturally beautiful with a lot of green space and from photos it reminds me a lot of Lincoln where I went to University. The beach isn’t too far away and neither is the National Park so LM will still have access to nature.
It’s Cheap
For a city down south, Cardiff is one of the most affordable to live in, and for me, as a single parent, that’s important. Not only are houses cheaper than neighbouring cities but the general cost of living is much lower. Meaning, your grocery shop will be costing less and you won’t go to the local pub and pay £5 for a pint. Even in the city centre.
It’s Accessible
Because I would be moving so far from home, I’d have to make sure I lived somewhere that can easily be accessed. Unlike a lot of Wales, Cardiff is on main train links and is only 2 hours from London. It also has a large airport that services a lot of far flung destinations which for me as a traveller is really important. Not only that, it’s got great public transport including bus, taxi, foot and since Cardiff is incredibly flat, by bike which you can rent around the city or buy your own with bike discounts.
It’s Popular for Sport
If you’re a big sporting fan, this one is for you! Not only is Wales big on Rugby but Cardiff hosts a marathon and a half marathon, speedway, wrestling and even white water rafting! There is always something going on and because of this it means if your child is sporty it’s a lot easier for them to get a leg up professionally. Making it an even better place to raise your family!
It all sounds great right? I think I need to pay a visit to check out for myself before I make any firm decisions though.
Have you ever considered moving to Cardiff?