Work Content // 3 Tips for Successfully Completing Your CeMAP Course
When it comes to your career, there are a whole host of different directions you could go in. For example, if you have a head for numbers and you like dealing with people, a job as a mortgage adviser might be ideal for you. However, before you can land a role like this, you’ll need to make sure that you’re suitably qualified. One way of doing this is by gaining a Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP). This certification allows you to legally practice in giving mortgage advice.
In order to gain your CeMAP qualification, you’ll need to enrol on a course. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to successfully complete your certification. In this blog, you’ll find three tips that could help.
Get to grips with the syllabus
Before you get stuck into your CeMAP course, it pays to get to grips with the syllabus. Diving in headfirst without a clear understanding of what to expect during the course could be a recipe for disaster. If you’re not aware of what your course entails, you could end up feeling a little out of your depth, which could hinder your chances of successfully completing it. With this in mind, it’s definitely worth spending some time reading through the syllabus.
It’s especially important to be aware of how the course is laid out. The CeMAP course consists of three mandatory modules. Each one is made up of seven units, and you are also required to sit an exam at the end of each module.
You may also want to become familiar with the topics included within the three modules so that you have some understanding of what you’ll be learning about.
Find a way of learning that suits you
When it comes to gaining your CeMAP qualification, you’ll have two options. You can either choose to attend training sessions in a classroom environment or you could opt for online learning. It’s important that you choose a way of learning that suits you, so it’s worth giving this some careful thought before you sign up.
For example, if you’re a busy parent or you work full-time, classroom-based learning might not be for you. You may struggle to find the time to go to classes in person, and even if you do manage to steal a moment to attend, you might find it difficult to concentrate before getting back to your other commitments.
Instead, you could go for online learning. This means you can choose exactly where and when you focus on your studies, whether it’s at the weekend when you’re not in work or of an evening when the kids are in bed. As long as you have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection, you could find that this way of learning suits you much better.
Stay motivated
Motivation is key if you’re to successfully complete your CeMAP course. Without a little determination, you could find that your studies take a back seat, meaning you fall behind and don’t achieve what you set out to do.
During your studies, remind yourself of why you chose to enrol on this course. Whether you’re fresh out of education and you’re keen to secure your first job within the mortgage industry or you want to steer your career in a different direction, motivation and drive is essential for you to reach your end goal.
Studying for your CeMAP qualification takes time, effort and patience, but keeping these tips in mind should help you complete your course with flying colours.