The Shades of Sporting Success*
Who watched the England game last night? LM and I did. This was the first sports tournament of any kind that she’s watched and she found their loss very distressing. She claims she never wants to watch football again. I posted about her grief on social media and a lot of people were full of praise for England (myself included of course) but she’s only 6 and telling her about World Cups from the past where they didn’t make it passed the groups didn’t mean that much to her. It’s something she’ll get to in the future for the time being, I’m just letting her ride it out. It was so wonderful to see her supporting England with her whole heart, I hope she’s the same in the Euros & the next World Cup.
There is no denying that sporting tournaments bring people together. Our whole country has pulled support for England these last few weeks. We’ve all been in good spirits and it was the lift we needed. Charles Tyrwhitt, make of men’s suits have put together an infographic all about the correlation between sports and certain colours, and it’s definitely worth a read!