The Hidden Costs of DIY*
At the beginning of the new year, people are more likely to under take tasks they’ve been putting off and one of these is often home improvement jobs. January is also the time of year when people usually have less money to play with due to December holidays and Christmas shopping so they look for places to cut costs, and sometimes that’s to take on these home improvement jobs themselves. DIY is all good and well, and on the surface it looks like it could save you a lot, but like with most things, there are always hidden costs that a lot of people forget to take into account. Here is a look at some of the most common costs that are forgotten when people turn their hand to DIY.
Getting the Right Equipment
A lot of households, mine included, only own a very basic tool kit. A few screw drivers, a hammer, maybe a spanner, some old allen keys from flatpacks.. and they’re even less likely to own the correct proctective wear such as eye protection safety glasses which are needed in even the simplest jobs like welding or ear protection hearing cups that are vital if you’re doing any heavy duty drilling. Engelbert Strauss has all your tool and protective wear needs that are important to have before you even start your DIY, but these are a cost a lot of people don’t look at when considering doing what appears to be a simple DIY job themselves.
The Cost of Materials
Hand in hand with getting the right equipment is buying the materials. You might think it looks easy to fit a new toilet from the youtube tutorial you watched, but once you’ve headed into the store for a look things start to get complicated. Although Victorian Plumbing has a great selection of toilets, and everything you need to fit one, you won’t be able to get them at the price a professional would who brings their business time and time again and often buys in bulk. It could work out cheaper to hire that professional and get them to pick you up a new bowl. Even the little things like nails, screws and filler soon adds up.
If Things Go Wrong
Finally, no one ever wants to look at the worst case scenario, especially when it comes to accidents. But before embarking on any sort of DIY that is more than putting up a shelf, you should check you have home insurance like from Admiral, that covers not just accidental damage, but if any personal injuries occur in case you’re out of work for a while. This can get pricy if you have to take out additional cover as not all home insurance offers this.
It could be that after adding up all the hidden costs of DIY, it might just be as cheap to get a professional in to fit that new kitchen or pave your garden. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!