Keeping The Countryside Clean*
Spring is in the air, at least it’s trying to be. You may be considering getting out there as the trees bud and nature start to reclaim her territory with swathes of green and the birds begin to return to their homes to chirp loudly, heralding the beginning of warmer things to come.
Ok, so this may be some way off yet but sitting on the side of optimism you may wish to make plans for days trips and vacations that take you back to your roots. Back to the outdoors.
Aside from there being a million things to do in the countryside, there are things to consider to make sure your visit is good for everyone.
Consider The Locals (that mean the four-legged variety too!)
You may not be the only one who has had the bright idea to go roaming so make sure, if you are driving to your destination, once you arrive you don’t block residents driveways or other local paths with your vehicles.
Beware of horses. Slow right down or stop altogether to allow them to pass, or be sure to give them plenty of room if you are overtaking.
Busy traffic on small country lanes can be a real pain for local people, and the wildlife living there. Consider leaving your car at home, using public transport or even cycling. It’s an excellent opportunity to get some exercise while looking out for the wildlife around you.
Close The Door Behind You
Make sure you leave gates and property as you find them and follow footpaths unless broader access is possible. Any farmer will generally close his gates to keep any farm animals enclosed, but may have purpose left them open to allow his animals to have access to food and water. In this vein, merely leave gates as you find them, open or closed. If you are visiting as a family or group, then make sure the last person through knows what to do.
Be An Ambassador For Mother Earth
We all have a responsibility to look out for our beautiful countryside. This is to ensure our enjoyment as much as that of our children and their children to come. The secret here is to leave no trace, no sign you were there at all. If you can do that, then you are on to a winner. Don’t harm any of the animals, birds, plants or trees you come across and just marvel at nature’s creativity.
Take Your Trash Home
This precedent goes a little further in as much as by protecting the natural environment such as rocks, plants and trees. This, in turn, protects its inhabitants, that look to these things for shelter and food. You chip bags, or sandwich wrappers don’t just look awful, they are hazardous to local wildlife and farm animals, so bag it, bin it and take it home.
The key to enjoying a day trip or extended vacation in the wild outdoors is to plan. Research as much as you can about your destination in advance, be aware of any laws or local advice and always follow local signs. By doing this, you are good to go green!