
3 Easy Ways You Can Go Green*

Being environmentally concious can seem daunting at first but it’s something we really do have to be aware of. I read something the other day that put things into perspective for me, I felt a bit “woah” after reading it. Humans have been on earth for such a short amount of time since the world was formed and we’ve already destroyed so much of our natural resources. In fact, since the industrial revolution we’ve destroyed more than ever. We need to start looking at ways to become more sustainable. Between destroying natural resources and pumping harmful chemicals into the air, no wonder Stephan Hawkin’s thinks we should be looking for a new home planet now!

I know a lot of people have the attitude “but is anything I  do worth it when the planet is going to be destroyed anyway?” but if everyone has that attitude then of course that morbid sort of prediction is going to come true! If everyone does their piece to help, it could be a game changer.

So here are 5 easy ways you can go green;

Leave Your Car at Home
I know walking isn’t possible for everyone, luckily for me it is as I live in a small town. Still I know family members who choose to take the car along the street to the shop. Or drive their kids to school even though it’s only 5/10 minutes away. People have become too reliant on cars when a) it’s healthier to walk and b) you can reduce your carbon foot print.

If you job or kids school is too far away why not consider car pooling?

Another alternative to every single person taking their car is buses. Stagecoach offer bus passes for all sorts of age groups, their student bus pass is particularly good value for money if you’re at university and you often feel too hungover to walk! Little Miss and I use the bus all the time, we’re blessed to have the bus stop near our house and it’s like a mini adventure. She’s especially pleased if we happen to get on a double decker!

Shower not Bath
This is one I really need to work on because I love to take a bath in the evening. As I inch towards 30 I definitely feel daily aches and pains (that and I have the most uncomfortable matress ever at the moment) and a bath soothes them. Thankfully we’re rolling into summer and I do enjoy a nice cooling shower if it’s been particularly humid. Having a shower is shown to use less water which is better for the environment, as relaxing as a bath is, it could be better to limit to one or two a week if you’re wanting to be more green and it’s such an easy switch too.

Recycle Recycle Recycle
Most towns and cities have recycling collections that alternate with regular rubbish collection. In our town it’s a big blue bin and it comes with guidelines on what to recycle. Yes it can feel like a bit of a fiddle dividing up your rubbish into what can be recycled and what can’t, especially when it’s usually “recycle the bottle, bin the cap” but in the long run, it’s worth it. Some plastics can take decades to decompose but if you recycle them they can be melted down and used again. Paper is a big one. Paper comes from trees, if you don’t recycle your paper, more trees will be cut down and can lead to problems such as deforestation which is terrible for the environment and for us humans. It leads to floods, loss of habitats and much more.

If you’re wanting to be more green and help save the environment that we rely on so much to live in, these three tips are a great way to start.


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