Girls On Tour! Great Advice For Mothers Traveling With Young Daughters*
So you have decided to have some quality time with you daughter. Maybe you are taking her to visit a theme park, or you are both going to stay with friends. Maybe you are going to the beach to build a sandcastle? Or to a museum to learn all about her favourite subject? But whichever location that you end up in, you will want things to run smoothly and have the most enjoyable time possible. So read on to find out just how to do this.
Minimise stress
Going away on holiday, or for a weekend break is meant to be fun for both you and your little one. That why it’s a good idea to get certain things sorted before you go, as this will help you minimise the stress and hassle that you have to face during the trip.
First of all, it never hurts to double, or even triple check all of your travel documents and information. It’s pretty easy to get confused when you have something as important as a holiday to plan, and a little on to look after.
It’s also a good idea to have a rough concept of how you want to spend you time when you get there. Then you will know where you need to be when, and you can make sure that you don’t miss anything. Which is really vital if you are going to a fun filled place such as Disney with your little princess.
Lastly, it’s a great idea to make things as easy on yourself as possible. That can mean anything from opting into the breakfast and other meals that they offer at the hotel, to choosing to take some medication, so ‘aunt flow’ doesn’t visit you while you are away.
To delay your period, you can request Utvolan from your doctor or pharmacist. Or you can even order it online, making things a whole lot easier and ensuring that cramps and lethargy don’t get in the way with all of the fun you will be having.
Snacks are essential
The next piece of advice that I have for you is that snacks are not a luxury. In fact, they are an absolute necessity, and the longer your journey, the more you need! Let’s face it, your daughter is going to get hungry, and you are probably going to get hungry, and you don’t want to be spending all of your money on service station and fast food snacks before you have arrived at your destination!
That is why it’s a great idea to bring them from home. You can make some such as vegetable sticks and healthy dips. Or you can even pop the pound shop and grab some pre-packaged varieties to help you both keep your strength up while you are travelling to your destination.
Entertainment rules
Another important aspect of travelling with a little one successfully is making sure that they have enough entertainment to stop them from getting bored and whining on the journey. Think DVD or films downloaded onto a mobile device, with headphones, of course. Or sticker books and colouring pages.
You can also go for travel spotting game. Where your daughter has to count up how many of one particular item that they see on a particular leg of the journey like red cars, or service stations.
If you are driving yourselves, then it’s also a good idea to take some things that will keep you entertained and alert during the journey too. Audiobooks can work really well for this, as can special mix CDS with all of your favourite tunes on. Which I’m sure you daughter will be happy to help you pick out!
Now, I don’t know if you ever remember not being allowed to wear your own choice of clothes on a day out, or trip away when you were a child? But let me tell you it’s no fun, and it’s bound to put your daughter in a bad mood!
Of course, as Mum you do know best, and she will need to be comfy. But do try and reach a compromise if you can.
For example, maybe she can wear the princess’ costume when she gets to Disney or just keep the crown on in the car and wear comfy legging for the journey? After all she probably only wants to wear this stuff because she is aware of how special this mother-daughter trip is and she wants to look her very best! But feel free to draw the line at odd shoes and a Batman cape if you feel it’s not appropriate for the location you are visiting.