5 Must Haves for the Kitchen*
I have a little sign that hangs in my kitchen that says “Amy’s Kitchen is the heart of the home” my mum brought it back from Greece and although it’s a little gimmicky there is a fair amount of truth in it. I do spend a lot of time in my kitchen, and now that I’m trying hard to get Little Miss to eat, I’m spending even more time in it. I love to cook, to bake and just generally potter. My kitchen isn’t somewhere I encourage Little Miss to be in unless it’s to help me prepare food or to eat as our table is also in the kitchen, so really it’s my own little hang out. Because of this, I do spend a fair bit of my spare cash on upgrading items in my kitchen and because of that I’m sharing my 5 must haves.
A Kettle
Working from home gives my kettle a good working out, and I saved for a long time to get my teal kettle of dreams. I love it and I use it more than anything else in my kitchen as some days when Little Miss isn’t here I live on things I can make with a kettle such as cuppa soup, or noodles as well as my daily dose of tea and coffee.
A Good Set of Knives
Last Christmas I actually bought my mum a set of knives.. why? Because she cut EVERYTHING with a bread knife.. I’m not even lying about this. I used to hate cooking at her house for this very reason. She only had a bread knife and four steak knives. She’s had her own home for almost 30 years and I just bought her a set of knives. Ridiculous. I’ve had my knives for nearly 3 years and I’m already looking to replace them. Carlson Knives has all the information I’ll be needing when I’m doing my research as Jacob Carlson knows what he’s talking about when it comes to fillet knives. Along with that, I like a decent chopping board too.
A Set of Scales
As I mentioned above, I bake a lot but I’ve always used scales older than my mother for my weighing, that was until I moved into this house and my aunt kindly bought me the beautiful Laura Ashley scales I have today. They’re perfect and I love having them on display, although I can assure you they’re well used as well.
A Fridge Freezer
I shouldn’t really have to explain this one. Of course a fridge freezer is vital to my kitchen because it’s where all the best food is kept. But not only that but it’s where I display so much of my daughter’s art work. It’s a tradition my mum started when I was a kid and I’ve carried it on as I like coming into my kitchen and seeing everything she’s brought home from pre-school with her.
An Oven
To be perfectly honest I don’t know which I prefer, the hob or the actual oven as I possible use them both equally. But yes, my oven gets a good amount of usage these days and I’m not sure what I would do without it. I’m so thankful I was able to buy this particular one when I moved in because although it’s small, it does what I need it to and the black makes it look so much more swish. However, one day I would love an aga (and the big country kitchen to go with it of course!) they come in TURQUOISE how could I not want one?